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China Rich Girlfriend/Kevin Kwan eslite誠品 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

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China Rich Girlfriend/Kevin Kwan eslite誠品 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

China Rich Girlfriend/Kevin Kwan eslite誠品 描述

中國與富人已成為不可拆解的組合,看Kevin Kwan如何剖析新一代的高富帥及白富美異於常人的價值觀 繼暢銷書《Crazy Rich Asians》後,再度以機智風趣及諷刺風格描寫勢力龐大且揮金如土的兩大華人家族 新加坡作家Kevin Kwan繼暢銷小說《Crazy Rich Asians》後,再度推出調皮諷刺及宛如喜劇般的豪門小說,描寫女主角Rachel Chu即將與亞洲富到流油的黃金單身漢訂婚前夕,找尋生父的過程,攀龍附鳳的心機手段、上流社會的流言蜚語、億萬富翁的感情困擾,全都發生荒誕奢華的上流世界裡。一窺中國富人是如何利用財富彰顯社會地位,一部宛如真人秀的怪誕幽默之作。 Kevin Kwan,暢銷喜劇小說《Crazy Rich Asians》作者,從小在新加坡出生及成長,即使在紐約居住超過20年,仍不忘新加坡的鳳梨酥及福建炒麵,是一位同時具備東西方文化觀點及幽默的作家。Kwan的第一本小說描述著亞洲富豪的奢華生活,刻劃海外華人與本地華人之間的衝突。 關‧凱文【亞洲富人文化三部曲】 首部曲:《瘋狂亞洲富豪》 二部曲: 三部曲: Kevin Kwan, bestselling author of Crazy Rich Asians, is back with a wickedly funny new novel of social climbing, secret e-mails, art-world scandal, lovesick billionaires, and the outrageous story of what happens when Rachel Chu, engaged to marry Asia's most eligible bachelor, discovers her birthfather.  On the eve of her wedding to Nicholas Young, heir to one of the greatest fortunes in Asia, Rachel should be over the moon. She has a flawless Asscher-cut diamond from JAR, a wedding dress she loves more than anything found in the salons of Paris, and a fiancé willing to sacrifice his entire inheritance in order to marry her. But Rachel still mourns the fact that her birthfather, a man she never knew, won't be able to walk her down the aisle. Until: a shocking revelation draws Rachel into a world of Shanghai splendor beyond anything she has ever imagined. Here we meet Carlton, a Ferrari-crashing bad boy known for Prince Harry-like antics; Colette, a celebrity girlfriend chased by fevered paparazzi; and the man Rachel has spent her entire life waiting to meet: her father. Meanwhile, Singapore's It Girl, Astrid Leong, is shocked to discover that there is a downside to having a newly minted tech billionaire husband. A romp through Asia's most exclusive clubs, auction houses, and estates, China Rich Girlfriend brings us into the elite circles of Mainland China, introducing a captivating cast of characters, and offering an inside glimpse at what it's like to be gloriously, crazily, China-rich. 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2681296662004 ISBN13/9781101973394 ISBN10/1101973390 EAN/9781101973394 頁數/384 級別/無 裝訂/口袋裝 語言/英文 尺寸‏ : ‎ 17.4 x 2.9 x 10.7 cm

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