Lift-the-Flap Computers and Coding/Rosie Dickins eslite誠品 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
A colourful and friendly introduction that explains what goes on inside computers, how coding works and how computers talk to each other across the internet.Flaps to lift on every page show how computers “think”, while activities such as counting in binary and matching numbers to colours explain how they store data.The principles of coding, from simple commands to algorithms, are explained with a treasure hunt game and puzzles, and there are examples of simple programs in the coding language Scratch™.Includes internet links to specially selected websites where children can discover more coding ideas, tips and games.Computer coding is now a compulsory topic on the UK National Curriculum for primary schools, and children learn to create and debug simple programs at Key Stage 1. 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2681295689002 ISBN13/9781409591511 ISBN10/1409591514 EAN/9781409591511 材質/紙 尺寸/27.6X21.6CM 語言/英文 頁數/16 裝訂/兒童厚紙版書 級別/無