※ 此為預購商品,貨到後將立即為您出貨。 ※ 預計11月中到貨後依排單出貨。 ※ 蝦皮訂單無法分開出貨,若同時購買多項預購商品,需待所有品項皆到貨後才能寄出,下單時還請留意各預購商品的到貨時間,謝謝。 Sing Along with Me! Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (Reissue Ed.) This new series of bright, slider board books featuring perennially popular nursery rhymes bursts with energy and cheering illustrations. Each book also comes with five slider mechanisms, and both an instrumental and vocal version of the nursery rhyme – simply scan the QR code on the first page for little ones to listen and sing along! 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2681861959003 ISBN13/9781788007603 ISBN10/1788007603 EAN/9781788007603 頁數/10 尺寸/18X18X1CM 材質/紙 級別/無 裝訂/兒童厚紙版書 語言/英文 成份/紙 用電/N ■作者簡介Yu-Hsuan HuangYu-hsuan Huang is an illustrator and artist from Taichung City, Taiwan, where she lives with her family and two lovely cats. After graduating from National Taiwan Normal University with a BFA degree in art, Yu-hsuan started her career as an illustrator, working on editorials, picture books and commercial projects. She also has her own illustration brand named “Smohouse”. Yu-hsuan’s works are inspired by animals and her life experiences. Her soothing and warm-hearted artwork aims to comfort people, and bring happiness to everyone.
Sing Along with Me! Twinkle Twinkle Little Star eslite誠品【預購】 用戶評測
9/4訂購,9/6就出貨,9/7就收到了,出貨速度真的非常快速???? 商品包裝完整,都有用氣泡袋裝好。搭上書店的促銷活動,一本平均才150元,真的很划算!
原以為會等很久,沒想到蠻快就收到了☺️ 這系列的硬頁操作書很棒,內容簡單,小朋友也很喜歡????
有QR CODE可以放音樂,不錯,當睡覺前的故事書???????? 包裝良好
出貨快折扣後很划算,氣泡紙整齊塞滿保護好書本,非常貼心!圖案可愛,掃QR code可搭配音樂閱讀
CP值很好耶 女兒很喜歡 每天都要看上無數遍。書本質感真的很好。
類似BIZZY BEAR系列,但是畫面都很有趣,顏色很棒。