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Longman Preparation Series for the TOEIC Test(6 Ed.)eslite誠品 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

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Longman Preparation Series for the TOEIC Test(6 Ed.)eslite誠品 描述

Longman Preparation Series for the TOEIC Test: Introductory Course (6 Ed./+Pearson Notebook Soft Case Pack/MP3) 內容簡介 Longman Preparation Series for the TOEIC Test: Introductory Course, 6/E With Pearson Notebook Soft Case Pack 朗文多益初級模考題庫+原出版公司特製15吋防塵筆電套,限量套書特惠中 Longman Preparation Series for the TOEIC Test:Introductory Course, 6/e with MP3 & Answer Key 由國際級TOEIC名師 Lin Lougheed編寫,全球暢銷Longman Preparation Series for the TOEIC Test系列, 針對新制多益考試,提供學習者實用的技巧和解題策略,並搭配相對應的練習,建立信心,幫助學習者在Listening 和Reading的考試上能奪得高分。 套書內容對學習者自修或是課堂教學皆可適用。 Introductory Level適合為多益200-300分的準備。CEFR: A1-A2 第六版特色: • 加入新制多益考試題型內容,並搭配模擬練習,讓學生充分學習與運用。 • 內附三回完整的模擬測驗。 • 全書提供千題以上的模擬練習,和新修的文法和單字技巧。 • 每個單元的Language Strategies and Test Strategies,著重技巧和解題策略訓練,幫助學習者能更有效率的準備多益考試。 • Test Taking Tips提供系統性的文法解說,並附上相關的文法練習,提供即時檢驗,了解學習狀況。 • MP3光碟內含解答Answer Key/完整聽力MP3音檔/audio script聽力文字稿。 內容物:Pearson Notebook Soft Case 尺寸:34x23x1cm 適用機種:適用12-15吋筆記型電腦和平板電腦 材質為彈性伸縮布料,彈力吸震,可做滑鼠墊使用 直入式設計,輕鬆取放防震保護筆電和平板電腦 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2681830941008 ISBN13/4712839031853 ISBN10/283903185X EAN/4712839031853 頁數/430 尺寸/32X24X4CM 級別/無 裝訂/平裝 語言/英文 ■作者簡介Lin LougheedLin Lougheed Lin LOUGHEED started his EFL career in 1968 as a Peace Corps volunteer in Turkey. He earned his doctorate at Teachers College, Columbia University and has received two Fulbright awards: a scholar grant in Sri Lanka and a professor grant in Tunisia. In 1983, he founded Instructional Design International, Inc. to develop English teaching materials in all media. Lin is a past member of the TESOL Executive Board and has served as the chair of two special interest groups: Teaching English Internationally and Materials Writers. He has written over 40 English-as-a-foreign-language texts and has a daily radio show in China on business English.

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