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Is That Your Poo, Kangaroo?/Rosie Greening eslite誠品 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

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Is That Your Poo, Kangaroo?/Rosie Greening eslite誠品 描述

來體驗便便…觸摸遊戲書 當路上突然有了神秘的大便,你會想一探究竟,到底這是誰的大便嗎? 鳳頭鸚鵡發現了巨大且臭臭的便便,於是他問:「袋鼠,這是你的大便嗎?」 袋鼠說:「才不是呢!我的便便有翅膀喔」。 游泳中的無尾熊也遇到了這坨臭臭的便便,他也問袋鼠「這真的不是你的便便嗎?」 「我的便便是藍色的!這肯定不是我的」 好多動物都問袋鼠同樣的問題,到底這坨便便是不是袋鼠的呢?讓我們一同來一探究竟吧! 特殊立體造型的便便,肯定會讓孩子又驚又喜,摸一摸、想一想,這個大便謎團到底可不可以順利解開呢? When a mysterious poo appears, the Australian animals are desperate to know who did the deed! They all suspect Kangaroo, but he says that his poo is blue and wears shoes . . . Help uncover the mystery in this hilaroius 'whodunit'. Children will love the witty rhyming text and the squishy poo that is die-cut to the front cover. HILARIOUS RHYMING BOARD BOOK WITH SQUISHY POO DIE-CUT TO FRONT COVER 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2681921565007 ISBN13/9781789472691 ISBN10/1789472695 EAN/9781789472691 材質/紙/ 塑膠 尺寸/21X17.6X2CM 裝訂/兒童厚紙版書 語言/英文 級別/無 頁數/14

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