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Ladybird London: A Push-and-Pull Tour/Klara eslite誠品 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

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Ladybird London: A Push-and-Pull Tour/Klara eslite誠品 描述

倫敦 推拉遊戲書 今天,我們要來到有雙層紅色巴士的國家喔,那就是英國。這裡除了紅色巴士,還有高高的摩天輪--倫敦眼,它就在河岸旁。 來倫敦眼,可以搭船遊泰晤士河。你能動動手,幫我開動船隻嗎,我們遊河去囉!摩天輪附近聚集許多好逛好吃的小攤,也吸引街頭藝人表演,你看到什麼有趣的演出呢?有一人樂隊、小丑騎單輪車耍球,你看到了嗎?倫敦是設計之都,在熱鬧的皮卡迪利圓環,時尚店面匯集,你能動手,幫忙店家換招牌嗎?來倫敦,更要看白金漢宮前的衛兵交接,數數看,有多少衛兵呢?倫敦塔橋的橋會升起,你可以動動手,讓橋面升起喔! Introduce little tourists to the UK capital in this interactive journey through London! Explore the iconic landmarks of London with a push-and-pull mechanism in every scene. Little readers can change the famous advertising boards of Piccadilly Circus and raise Tower Bridge as they journey through the city. Ladybird London is the perfect introduction for children to capital as it travels through the busy centre, past Buckingham Palace and on to the South Bank. 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2681864373004 ISBN13/9780241423172 ISBN10/0241423171 EAN/9780241423172 頁數/10 尺寸/17.3X17.3X0CM 材質/紙 級別/無 裝訂/兒童厚紙版書 語言/英文 成份/紙 用電/N

Ladybird London: A Push-and-Pull Tour/Klara eslite誠品 商品選項

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Ladybird London: A Push-and-Pull Tour/Klara eslite誠品 用戶評測

倫敦畫的很美! 希望有一天能儘早帶寶寶去英國玩~ 超級想念倫敦!


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