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The Mamba Mentality: How I Play 小飛俠柯比‧布萊恩傳記《曼巴精神》 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

The Mamba Mentality: How I Play 小飛俠柯比‧布萊恩傳記《曼巴精神》 規格

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The Mamba Mentality: How I Play 小飛俠柯比‧布萊恩傳記《曼巴精神》 描述

※此為原文書(英文) 小飛俠柯比‧布萊恩 最完整傳記《曼巴精神》 BA傳奇球星小飛俠布萊恩的眼鏡蛇哲學 首本自傳作品,感情豐沛且內心強大,走進NBA籃球巨星的思維深處 號稱「黑曼巴」的柯比‧布萊恩,,從NBA職業籃球隊退休後,決定分享他從球賽所獲得的知識,帶領球迷與讀者一同走入一場史無前例的探索之旅「黑曼巴之道」。 他想藉此教育年輕的球員、忠實鐵粉和學生們如何才能「正確地」打籃球。一同潛入這位集智慧、強大分析利和創意運動家的思維深處。 本書是布萊恩第一次用自己的語言詳細分享其訓練方法,且一步步將身心靈準備到最佳狀態,不僅要贏得比賽,還要出類拔萃。讀者將從中學習他如何看透對手,將自身的熱情引導至賽事中,如何帶傷比賽等,甚至他生涯中的重要比賽的精彩細節也都詳盡記載。 布萊恩邀請專為籃球名人堂拍攝的攝影大師Andrew D. Bernstein,共同打造,將布萊恩的敘述和精湛的影像結合,為廣大球迷們呈現黑曼巴賽場上精湛的表現和幕後從未公開的花絮故事。 The first book from the basketball superstar Kobe Bryant―a lavish, deep dive inside the mind of one of the most revered athletes of all time In the wake of his retirement from professional basketball, Kobe “The Black Mamba” Bryant has decided to share his vast knowledge and understanding of the game to take readers on an unprecedented journey to the core of the legendary “Mamba mentality.” Citing an obligation and an opportunity to teach young players, hardcore fans, and devoted students of the game how to play it “the right way,” The Mamba Mentality takes us inside the mind of one of the most intelligent, analytical, and creative basketball players ever. For the first time, and in his own words, Bryant reveals his famously detailed approach and the steps he took to prepare mentally and physically to not just succeed at the game, but to excel. Readers will learn how Bryant studied an opponent, how he channeled his passion for the game, how he played through injuries. They’ll also get fascinating granular detail as he breaks down specific plays and match-ups from throughout his career. Bryant’s detailed accounts are paired with stunning photographs by the Hall of Fame photographer Andrew D. Bernstein. Bernstein, long the Lakers and NBA official photographer, captured Bryant’s very first NBA photo in 1996 and his last in 2016―and hundreds of thousands in between, the record of a unique, twenty-year relationship between one athlete and one photographer. The combination of Bryant’s narrative and Bernstein’s photos make The Mamba Mentality a unprecedented look behind the curtain at the career of one of the world’s most celebrated and fascinating athletes. 規格 誠品貨碼 / 2681586725006 ISBN13 / 9780374201234 ISBN10 / 0374201234 EAN貨碼 / 9780374201234 尺寸 / 22.9X27.9CM 級別 / 無 語言 / 英文 頁數 / 208 裝訂 / 精裝

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