Puzzle and Play: Alphabet Train/Roger Priddy eslite誠品 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
Puzzle and Play: Alphabet Train/Roger Priddy eslite誠品 描述
英文字母認知遊戲書 英文字母ABCD共有26個,該如何讓孩子快樂學習呢? 結合孩子最喜歡的可愛動物圖像與英文字母,搭配可取出的厚紙板拼圖,認識可愛動物的同時,一邊學習英文字母。動動小手拼拼圖,還可以接龍成可愛的動物列車! 厚紙板書設計,耐用好玩不易壞,拼圖列車的設計包含了字母的排序,鼓勵小小孩用用心、動動腦,一起解鎖小小挑戰,快樂學習。 Help your young child learn the alphabet, identify animals and develop their fine motor and problem-solving skills with this fantastic puzzle book. With bright artwork that features children's favorite animals, and chunky puzzle pieces that are ideal for little hands, Roger Priddy's Puzzle and Play: Alphabet Train is the perfect addition to your young child's first library. The unique jigsaw design makes learning extra fun for little learners. 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2681816991003 ISBN13/9781684490943 ISBN10/1684490944 EAN/9781684490943 頁數/10 尺寸/21X21X0CM 材質/紙 級別/無 裝訂/兒童厚紙版書 語言/英文 重量/499 成份/紙 用電/N ■作者簡介Roger PriddyRoger Priddy Roger Priddy's passion for educating children through fun, informative and engaging books has led him to create some of publishing's most enduring and successful nonfiction early learning books. Roger lives in London and has three children, who have been the inspiration behind many of his best publishing ideas.
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