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Little Miss: My Complete Collection Box/Roger eslite誠品 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

Little Miss: My Complete Collection Box/Roger eslite誠品 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


Little Miss Bossy/Little Miss Naughty/Little Miss Neat/Little Miss Sunshine/Little Miss Tiny/Little Miss Trouble 讓英國經典卡通人物Little Miss跟你的孩子作朋友! 暢銷全球的Little Miss,人物造型可愛,插畫色彩繽紛,故事有趣且深富教育意義,教導孩子遇到困難不要害怕,反而要發揮轉弱為強的能量。 Little Miss系列誕生於1981年,比Mr. Men小十歲,深受大小朋友的喜愛,這套禮物書,有一個讓小孩子愛不釋手的禮物盒,絕對適合送禮,是最寓教於樂的好禮物。 All 36 Little Miss stories in one beautiful box set! This delightful set features the complete collection of 36 timeless Little Miss stories. As well as the much loved classic titles, Little Miss Naughty, Little Miss Sunshine and Little Miss Chatterbox, you can also enjoy the newest addition to the collection, Little Miss Inventor. The lasting appeal of these classic books will ensure this collection takes pride of place on any child's nursery bookshelf. Perfect for toddlers and children aged 2+. Also look out for Mr Men My Complete Collection Box Set. It all started with a tickle. Roger Hargreaves' son Adam asked him what a tickle looked like. In response, Roger drew a small orange man with extraordinarily long arms that could reach anywhere and tickle anyone. Mr Tickle, the first of the Mr Men, was born. Mr Tickle was soon joined by Mr Greedy, Mr Happy, Mr Nosey, Mr Sneeze and Mr Bump. The books were an instant hit and Roger went on to create many more Mr Men and Little Miss characters. What Roger really wanted was to make children laugh, which is probably why his own favourite character is Mr Silly. 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2681932746006 ISBN13/9781405291002 ISBN10/1405291001 EAN/9781405291002 尺寸/14.4X14X12.7CM 級別/無 語言/英文 裝訂/平裝







裡面的書側排列起來還是Mr.Men 以及Little Miss, 超有巧思的????




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