Animal Homes: A Lift-the-Flap Book of/Libby eslite誠品 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
翻開書頁,探訪動物們的家! 大自然是動物們的家,這次讓我們一起到動物們的家作客吧! 每一種動物,都有其各式各樣的棲地,翻開書頁,一同探訪不同棲地尋找動物吧! 抬頭看看,哪些動物的家會住在高處呢?地底下,會有動物居住嗎?循著書中迷人童趣的插圖,在每一個跨頁中,認識一種動物與他的棲地。搭配精巧的挖洞與小翻頁設計,巧妙呈現出動物們出人意料的出現於畫面的驚喜,讓小寶貝能開始認識自然生物迷人的一面。 Welcome to the wonderful world of animal homes, incredible habitats where creatures rest high above our heads, and where burrowing beasts dig deep into the earth below our feet. Lift the flaps in this beautifully illustrated book to uncover some astonishing homes and the animals that live within. 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2681902325002 ISBN13/9781848578418 ISBN10/1848578415 EAN/9781848578418 頁數/16 尺寸/24.5X21.7X2CM 材質/紙 級別/無 裝訂/兒童厚紙版書 語言/英文 成份/紙 用電/N ■作者簡介Libby WaldenLibby Walden Editor at Caterpillar Books and book review blogger at Through the Wardrobe, Libby's days are filled with writing, reading and dreaming up new books. Clover Robin Clover Robin is a surface pattern designer and illustrator. She grew up in glorious Devon before training and graduating from Leeds College of Art and Design in 2007, followed by a Masters from Central Saint Martins. She delights in nature and all things botanical, inspired by a childhood of woodland walks and countryside rambles. Clover is currently based in Greenwich, London where all of her artwork is lovingly handcrafted and printed.