Rizzoli & Isles: The Surgeon /Tess Gerritsen 誠品eslite 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
亞馬遜書店一生必讀百大推理小說選書 醫學懸疑天后 泰絲‧格里森 Rizzoli&Isles系列首部曲 ◎已改編為電視影集 ◎《史蒂芬‧金談寫作》書單推薦作家,其著作為史蒂芬.金藏書必備 ◎作品已譯成四十國語言,全球銷量高達三千萬冊 ◎《出版人週刊》盛讚「醫學懸疑天后」 他夜裡溜進她們的家,悄悄走進臥室,那些正在沉睡中的女人即將醒來,進入一個活生生的夢魘。兇手精確的刀法顯示他是個精神錯亂的醫療人員,波士頓新聞界也因此封他為「外科大夫」。警方唯一的線索,就是過去一樁幾乎完全一樣的兇案中,一名倖存的被害人。兩年前,凱薩琳.柯岱兒在被侵害的中途反擊,殺了她的攻擊者。現在這個新兇手的犯案手法,和當初柯岱兒的經歷極為類似,種種細節吻合得令人毛骨悚然。隨著每殺害一個人,他似乎都在嘲弄她,也離她愈來愈近,從她工作的醫院到她的家。她唯一的安慰來自辦案的警探湯瑪士.摩爾。但就連摩爾也無法讓柯岱兒躲開一個聰明的獵人,這個獵人似乎知道、也特別喜歡他刀下每個被害女人最私密的恐懼…… 本書介出自春天出版《外科醫生》 In her most masterful novel of medical suspense, New York Times bestselling author Tess Gerritsen creates a villain of unforgettable evil--and the one woman who can catch him before he kills again. He slips into their homes at night and walks silently into bedrooms where women lie sleeping, unaware of the horrors they soon will endure. The precision of the killer's methods suggests he is a deranged man of medicine, propelling the Boston newspapers and the frightened public to name him "The Surgeon." The cops' only clue rests with another surgeon, the victim of a nearly identical crime. Two years ago, Dr. Catherine Cordell fought back and killed her attacker before he could complete his assault. Now she hides her fears of intimacy behind a cool and elegant exterior and a well-earned reputation as a top trauma surgeon. Cordell's careful facade is about to crack as this new killer recreates, with chilling accuracy, the details of Cordell's own ordeal. With every new murder he seems to be taunting her, cutting ever closer, from her hospital to her home. Her only comfort comes from Thomas Moore, the detective assigned to the case. But even Moore cannot protect Cordell from a brilliant hunter who somehow understands--and savors--the secret fears of every woman he kills. Filled with the authentic detail that is the trademark of this doctor turned author . . . and peopled with rich and complex characters--from the ER to the squad room to the city morgue--here is a thriller of unprecedented depth and suspense. Exposing the shocking link between those who kill and cure, punish and protect, The Surgeon is Tess Gerritsen's most exciting accomplishment yet. 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2681527324008 ISBN13/9781101887424 ISBN10/1101887427 EAN/9781101887424 頁數/464 尺寸/10.7X19X2.8CM 級別/無 裝訂/平裝 語言/英文