寶寶的全方位感官遊戲書 寶寶成長過程中,感官發展是相當重要的關鍵,《Shake Touch Play》透過多元的機關設計,如不同材質的觸摸質地、鮮豔的顏色、形狀與簡單的數字概念,加上簡易的聲響機關與鏡面設計,讓閱讀多了更多驚喜。引導孩子透過雙手與翻閱的過程中,激發學習興趣與感官認知發展。 Shake Touch Play is a multi-touch board book inspired by children's activity centres. From rattles and mirrors to flocking and fur, this sensory board book plays with three key senses: sight, touch and sound. The simple rhyming text encourages children to look at, touch and listen to the novelty areas on every page. A SENSORY BOARD BOOK WITH TOUCHES ON EVERY PAGE .A simple, sensory board book inspired by children's activity centres. .Creative novelty elements introduce little ones to three key senses: sight, touch and sound. .The rhyming text and fun touches on every page combine to inspire an early love of reading. 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2681921569005 ISBN13/9781789471977 ISBN10/1789471974 EAN/9781789471977 尺寸/20.3X20.3X1.2CM 材質/紙/ 布 級別/無 裝訂/兒童厚紙版書 語言/英文 頁數/10