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Ren Hang /Dian Hanson 誠品eslite 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

Ren Hang /Dian Hanson 誠品eslite 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


驚艷、前衛 軟色情攝影新興攝影師任航最離經叛道的生涯最後攝影集 中國新興軟色情攝影師任航於2017年2月23日結束生命。清瘦的身影、害羞的個性,深受憂鬱症所苦的北京青年攝影師任航,作為一個多產的攝影藝術家和詩人,以人體攝影廣為人知,並參與世界各地重要美術館和畫廊的展覽。就如同他的前輩艾未未一樣,任航充滿爭議性的作品深受中國青年喜愛,他提到「我從不認為我的作品是一種禁忌,因為我從不刻意思考文化及政治背景,我不是故意要跳脫世俗,我只是做我該做的。」任航作品中的模特兒裸露的肢體被任意組織和擺拍,這些攝影照片中,所表達的主題看似隨性卻充滿刺激和挑逗,暗示任航和他親密朋友夥伴之間的情愛和好玩的表現。由著名的藝術之父TASCHEN出版社出版的新書蒐羅了這位藝術家從2008年至2015年的作品,包括他在不同國家拍攝的照片,也完整概括他的攝影生涯,封面以任航生前的伴侶Jiaqi為主角,獻給所有熱愛任航的粉絲及他早逝的青春年華。 Hang, well hung Chinese photographer Ren lets it all Hang out Ren Hang is an unlikely rebel. Slight of build, shy by nature, prone to fits of depression, the 28-year-old Beijing photographer is nonetheless at the forefront of Chinese artists’ battle for creative freedom. Like his champion Ai Weiwei, Ren is controversial in his homeland and wildly popular in the rest of the world. He says, “I don't really view my work as taboo, because I don't think so much in cultural context, or political context. I don’t intentionally push boundaries, I just do what I do.” Why? Because his models, friends, and increasingly, fans, are naked, often outdoors, high in the trees or on the terrifyingly vertiginous rooftops of Beijing, stacked like building blocks, heads wrapped in octopi, body cavities sprouting phone cords and flowers, whatever enters his mind at the moment. He denies his intentions are sexual, and there is a clean detachment about even his most extreme images: the urine, the insertions, the many, many erections. In a 2013 interview VICE magazine asked, “there are a lot of dicks … do you just like dicks?” Ren responded, “It’s not just dicks I’m interested in, I like to portray every organ in a fresh, vivid and emotional way.” True though that may be, the penises Ren photographs are not just fresh and vivid, but unusually large, making one wonder just where he meets his friends. In the same piece, Hang also stated, “Gender isn’t important when I’m taking pictures, it only matters to me when I’m having sex,” putting him at the forefront of gender inclusiveness. Young fans eagerly follow his website, Facebook, Instagram, and Flickr accounts. His photographs, all produced on film, have been the subject of over 20 solo and 70 group shows in his brief five-year career, in cities as disparate as Tokyo, Athens, Paris, New York, Copenhagen, Frankfurt, Vienna, and yes, even Beijing. He has self-published eight monographs, in tiny print runs, that now sell for up to $600. TASCHEN’s Ren Hang will be his first international collection, covering his entire career, with well loved favorites and many never-before-seen photos of men, women, Beijing, and those many, many erections. Text in English, French, and German 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2681358988004 ISBN13/9783836562072 ISBN10/3836562073 EAN/9783836562072 頁數/320 尺寸/30X22.6CM 級別/限 裝訂/精裝 語言/英文







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