The Sun and Her Flowers/Rupi Kaur eslite誠品 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
暢銷圖文現代詩作者Rupi Kaur第二本詩集,關於尋根,關於回家,關於一趟盛開的旅程,以及任何一切形式的愛情。 From Rupi Kaur, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of milk and honey, comes her long-awaited second collection of poetry. A vibrant and transcendent journey about growth and healing. Ancestry and honouring one’s roots. Expatriation and rising up to find a home within yourself. Divided into five chapters and illustrated by Kaur, the sun and her flowers is a journey of wilting, falling, rooting, rising, and blooming. A celebration of love in all its forms. this is the recipe of life said my mother as she held me in her arms as i wept think of those flowers you plant in the garden each year they will teach you that people too must wilt fall root rise in order to bloom 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2681492241003 ISBN13/9781471165825 ISBN10/1471165825 EAN/9781471165825 頁數/256 尺寸/19.8X13CM 級別/無 裝訂/平裝 語言/英文