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Discourse Analysis in Chinese Comp 《篇章結構學》/陳滿銘原著 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

Discourse Analysis in Chinese Comp 《篇章結構學》/陳滿銘原著 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


西文出版品 Discourse Analysis in Chinese Comp 《篇章結構學》 編/著:陳滿銘原著 2010年11月初版 ISBN 9789577396808 定 價:600元 優惠價:450元(七五折,不含運) 總頁數:512頁 尺寸:21*15 平裝 【本書簡介】 辭章乃由內容結構與章法結構,以一縱一橫交錯而形成完整的篇章,而它又與篇旨、風格有直接關係,因此本書特先歸本於形象思維以梳理內容結構、邏輯思維以梳理章法結構,再藉綜合思維來談主旨與風格,然後用「多、二、一(0)」的邏輯結構「一以貫之」,兼顧理論與實際,完整地呈現篇章結構的內涵與特色,供社會大眾自修,或用作大專院校「章法學」或「篇章結構學」課程之教材。希望讀者能藉此增進辭章「篇章結構」的分析能力,從而擴大整體「再創造」的鑑賞效果,以真正領略辭章整體之美感。 【作者簡介】 【目次】 本書目錄: Preface Chapter One An Introduction to the Structure of Composition and Paragraphs I. The Relations between Paragraphs and Compositions /oo1 1. The Structure of Composition /002 2. The Structure of Paragraph /003 II. The contents of the structure of compositions and paragraphs /013 1. The definition of structure of compositions and paragraphs /014 2. Textual contents mainly concerning image thinking /020 3. Textual contents mainly concerning logical thinking / 030 4. Textual contents mainly concerning composite thinking /045 5. The “many, two, one/zero" structure of expressions and compositions /054 Chapter Two Image Contents of Structures of Conception and Composition I. Conception (essence) and likeness (materials) /069 1. The philosophical significance of conception and likeness /069 2. The literary application of meanings and materials (likeness) /075 II. Vertical structure /092 1. Single types /094 2. Compound Wes /110 Chapter Three Logical Contents of Structures of Composition and Paragraphs I. Types of composition art /143 II. Laws of composition arts /165 1. Law of order /166 2. Law of change /175 3. Law of consistence /183 4. Law of unification /194 III. Perspectives of composition arts /205 IV. Several kinds of special composition arts /227 l. Partial-whole method /228 2. Dot-dye method /235 3. Heaven-man method /245 4. Picture-background method /251 5. Knocking-striking method /257 Chapter Four Synthetic Contents Of Structures of Lexical Composition I. Topics and guidelines /271 1. In terms of prose /272 2. In terms of poetry /283 II. Manifestation and concealment of topics /286 l. Fully manifested topics /286 2. Manifested topics accompanied by concealed ones /293 3. Fully concealed topics /297 III. Several basic types of ananging topics or guidelines / 300 1. Placed in the beginning /300 2. Placed at the end /311 3. Placed in the middle /318 4. Placed outside the texts /334 IV. The structural types concerning topics or guide-lines placed in the middle /342 l. General-details structures /343 2. Abstract-concrete structures /350 3. Secondary-primary method /356 4. Cause-effect methods /362 Chapter Five Logical Structures of ''Many, Two, One/ Zero" I. The structure of ''many, two, one/zero” /369 1. The formation of the structure of "many/ multiplicity, two/duality, one/singularity/zero/ naught" /369 2. A few examples Of the structure of "many, two, one/zero" /381 II. Styles of the structure of-many, two, one/zero" /407 l. The formation of the styles of the structure of "many, two, one/zero" /408 2. A few examples of the styles of the structure of "man






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