昌明文庫.悅讀中國 中國夢.廣東故事——共享的廣東 編/著:王鶴 2019年03月初版 ISBN 9789864963973 定 價:300元 優惠價:225元(七五折,不含運) 總頁數:200頁 尺寸:23*17 平裝 【本書簡介】 中共十八大後,廣東的兩大使命:創新驅動,逐步縮小粵東西北與珠江三角洲地區的發展差距。粵東西北地區農村的發展變化,可以從另一個側面窺視廣東的新發展。「城市反哺農村」,扶貧「雙到」,高鐵通往鄉村等等,都有許多精彩的故事。把廣東農村的故事講好了,廣東故事才是一個完整的篇章。本分冊通過對一些農村、村落特別是對生於斯長於斯的人的故事的敘述,展現黨的十八大以來,廣東農村(以及人)的巨大變化以及新時期廣東「新農村建設」取得的重大成就。 【作者簡介】 【目次】 Contents Poverty Alleviation of Guangdong's Poorest Villages: Eradicating Poverty in Limestone Mountain Regions Leftovers in the Limestone Regions 002 A Hometown Migrants Cannot Go Back to 006 Poverty Alleviation: Giving Hope to the Stay-at-home 009 Financial Measures Taken to Help the Poorest Villages 011 Getting Rid of Poverty: Gaining Better Livelihood through Integral Moving 014 Educational Poverty Alleviation: Enhancing Education Level before Implementing Poverty Alleviation “The Sahara Desert” in Leizhou 020 An Outer World that Cannot Be Fitted into 024 Made in China 2025 Initiative and Educational Poverty Alleviation 027 Eliminating Ignorance before Combating Poverty 030 Medical Poverty Alleviation: Eliminating the Root of Poverty for 600,000 People Illness Hinders the Steps towards Wealth 036 The Ups and Downs in Rural Medical Care 040 Medical Poverty Alleviation: A “One Package Service” to Relieve Poverty 044 Establishing Transportation System to Relieve Poverty: Building a Good Road for Villages——A Way Out and A Way to Survive Smooth Artery but Blocked Blood Capillary 050 Villagers Are Longing for Good Roads 052 A Good Road Is A Way Out and A Way to Survive 054 Financial Poverty Alleviation: Stepping up the Way of Overcoming Poverty Lack of Funding in Agriculture: A Financial Deficit in Spring Ploughing 058 Incomprehensive Agricultural Insurance: Farmers Taking on All Financial Risks 060 Let Finance Return to Rural Areas 062 Technology Accelerates Poverty Alleviation Poor Household Selling Cherry Tomatoes on Taobao 068 “Village Head's Rice” on Suning.com 075 The “Path” for Online Job Hunting at Hand 077 High-speed Railways Have Changed the Lifestyles in Mountain Areas High-speed Railways Bring Popularity and Wealth 082 The “Zoo” on the Trains 085 Targeted Poverty Alleviation of High-speed Railways Free for Special Passengers 089 Characteristic Towns: It's Nice Living in Mountain Villages Transition of the “Great Northern Wilderness” in Guangzhou 092 From Farmers to B&B Shopkeepers 095 Start-ups Accelerate “Town” Construction 099 The Characteristic Town in Conghua Has Become the “New Engine” of Regional Innovation 102 Establishing Hundreds of Provincial Characteristic Towns in Guangdong by 2020 106 目錄 廣東最窮村莊扶貧記:與石灰岩地貌的鬥爭 石灰岩山村的守望者 108 「突圍者」回不去的故鄉 111 扶貧就是讓留守者堅定信心 113 金融手段助力最貧困山村 115 棄貧:整體搬遷迎來新生 117 教育扶貧:扶貧先扶智 雷州的「撒哈拉沙漠」 120 無法融入的外鄉世界 123 「中國製造二○二五」與教育扶貧 125 治貧先治愚 127 醫療扶貧:消除六十萬人貧困之源 疾病擋住了致富的腳步 132 農村醫療的一波三折 135 醫療扶貧:「一條龍」健康扶貧到家 138 交通扶貧:「修條好路給農村既是出路也是活路」 大動脈通了毛細血管卻沒通 142 村民天天都盼著修好路 143 修條好路既是出路也是活路 145 金融扶貧:加速脫貧之路 農業「缺錢」之痛:春耕資金缺口大 148 農業保險缺位:金融風險農民獨擔 149