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《嘉戎語卓克基話的話語研究:韻律與語法》/林幼菁 著(英語書) 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

《嘉戎語卓克基話的話語研究:韻律與語法》/林幼菁 著(英語書) 規格

《嘉戎語卓克基話的話語研究:韻律與語法》/林幼菁 著(英語書) 最新價格

《嘉戎語卓克基話的話語研究:韻律與語法》/林幼菁 著(英語書) 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

《嘉戎語卓克基話的話語研究:韻律與語法》/林幼菁 著(英語書) 描述

西文出版品 Units in Cogtse Rgyalrong Discourse:Prosody and Grammar(嘉戎語卓克基話的話語研究:韻律與語法) 編/著:You-Jing Lin 林幼菁 著 2020年4月 初版 ISBN 9789864783496 定 價:480元 優惠價:360元(七五折,不含運) 總頁數:308頁 尺寸:21*14.8 平裝 【本書簡介】 This study examines units of prosody and grammar in Cogtse Rgyalrong (henceforth Cogtse), a Sino-Tibtean language noted for its complex morphology and phonetic structures, spoken by Rgyalrong Tibetans in southwestern Sichuan, China. Based on spontaneous narratives of various topics, we explore how naturally occurring speech flow is organized into basic prosodic units in this language, and examine the grammatical taxonomy of these units. The analysis of Cogtse word prosody reveals that the language has a privative tonal system in which falling tone contrasts with zero; and how the system interacts with the other phonological features to build up intonational patterns is also discussed in detailed. The basic prosodic units are coded for structural type, and the preferred syntactic structure is accounted for. This book presents the first extensive research on prosody and grammar based on real-time speech in any Sino-Tibetan language in China, as well as the first study of tone and intonation in a language that has a privative tonal system. 嘉戎語為分佈於中國境內之漢藏語系語言,因擁有複雜的形態和語音結構為國際語言學界所知。本書以自發性口述材料為基礎,結合前沿韻律及語法研究理論,呈現嘉戎語如何將自然語流劃分出基本韻律單元,並且就這些單元的語法構造進行分析。研究發現,嘉戎語的詞韻律系統是一種降調與零聲調相對的缺性聲調系統;在此基礎上本研究進一步探討此聲調系統如何與其他音系特徵合作構建出語調的輪廓。與此同時,每一個韻律單元都就語法結構進行標記,以辨析此語言之首選結構類型。本書所呈現的研究,是漢藏語系語言學目前以即時自然語流為材料,針對韻律與語法性質最全面的研究;在世界語言的研究中,也是對缺性聲調對語調作用的探討也是首次。 【作者簡介】 You-Jing Lin 林幼菁 You-Jing Lin is a UCSB-trained linguist who is currently an associate professor of Linguistics in the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at Peking University, where she teaches courses in phonology, morphosyntax, linguistic fieldwork, and Sino-Tibetan languages in China. Her research focuses on the minority languages spoken in southwestern China, particularly the Tibetan prefectures in Sichuan, where she has conducted long-term linguistic fieldwork. She has published a collection of fully-analyzed narratives of Cogtse Rgyalrong, as well as numerous scholarly articles on various aspects of the grammatical, phonological, phonetics, and discourse properties of languages including Situ Rgyalrong, Japhug Rgyalrong, Horpa, Tibetan, Lizu and Miao. She could be the first linguist who studies prosody of the Sino-Tibetan (Trans-Himalayan) languages spoken in China. 美國加州大學聖塔芭芭拉分校語言學博士,現任北京大學中國語言文學系副教授,主要教授課程為音系學、形態句法學、語言田野調查、以及中國境內的漢藏語系語言。主要研究中國西南地區的民族語言。目前已發表嘉戎語卓克基話的語法標注文集以及一系列學術論文,探討語法、音系、實驗語音學、以及語篇分析的問題,語言範圍涉及四土嘉戎語、茶堡嘉戎語、西部嘉戎語組語言、藏語、里汝語以及苗語。她有可能是率先研究中國境內藏緬語族語言韻律現象的第一人。 【目次】 Table of Contents i Acknowledgements vii Abstract ix Chapter 1 General Introduction 1 1.0. Introduction 1 1.1. Cogtse Rgyalrong and Rgyalrongic Languages 3 1.2. Prosody 6 1.2.1. Intonation Unit (IU) 7 1.2.2. Intonation 8 1.2.3. Tone and Intonation 9 1.3. Grammar in the IU 11 1.4. General Research Questions 12 1.5. The Data

《嘉戎語卓克基話的話語研究:韻律與語法》/林幼菁 著(英語書) 商品選項

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