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英文童書 Pull The Lever: Who's In Here? 拉下拉桿:誰在這裡? 全新 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

英文童書 Pull The Lever: Who's In Here? 拉下拉桿:誰在這裡? 全新 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


出版社:Armadillo; Ina Brdbk edition ISBN #9781861473943 這是一本為學齡前小孩設計互動性的厚紙板書 This is an illustrated, interactive question-and-answer board book for preschool kids. This first reading book is ideal for small children, thanks to its bright pictures of familiar forms of transport and the people who use them. Every page asks a simple question, such as who's in the tunnel or what do we fly in, and a special lever reveals the answer in a pop-up picture. Other titles in this series include Who Are You?, Who Does What?, Who's on the Farm?, Who's Hiding?, Who Lives Here?, Who's at Nursery? and Who Says Moo? Children will enjoy seeing the images pop up in this exciting novelty board book. Pull the lever to find out what the people are waiting for at the bus stop, what's being cleaned in the carwash, what empties out a load of sand, what pulls the trailer, and what splashes and splashes on the ocean waves. This engaging book, printed on thick board pages, is full of bright, bold illustrations and brings early learning concepts to youngsters under five. Little hands will love pulling the sturdy levers and revealing the vehicles in question, while the friendly characters will delight your child as you read to #英文童書 #英文繪本 #原文書 #寶寶 #啟蒙書 #幼稚園 #幼兒園







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