襪界最搞怪最ㄎㄧㄤ的自我意識品牌,誠摯邀請其他品牌追隨與抄襲共創美好世界???? 來自日本與歐美精品品牌御用大廠製作,嚴選私藏的棉紗黃金比例,無論在腳感上的細膩度及色澤上的呈現都領先業界???? 而獨家鹿子編織法更凸顯圖像上的高畫素真實感????讓每一款襪不僅設計方面獨步全球,品質方面也絕不妥協????????♂️• Free shipping campaign kick off-throughout the universe! We sincerely ask all sock brands to follow or copy us, as we are the most wanted brand in the industry. Together, we shall create a sock revolution! We have long term partnerships with well known Japan, Europe and the US sock brand owners. We are leading the industry by selecting the perfect yarn and cotton combination. High resolution and detail graphics by using the Moss stitch technique, not only allowing us to be the opinion leading in sock design but also in the quality making. #uglysymptom #uglysock