[注意] 1. 本店只販售全新正品,絕不賣仿冒品,請安心購買。 2. 下標前可以蝦皮聊聊是否商品有現貨。 3. 下單前請再次確認選購的商品款式,商品須保持全新,並於取貨後15天內提出。若經拆封、使用後導致商品缺乏完整性,恕不提供退貨服務。 [商品資訊] by Mark Hendriks, Sofia Opfer 精裝: 204頁 出版社: Blauwdruk (2019) 語言: 荷語, 英語 ISBN-10: 9492474506 ISBN-13: 9789492474506 [商品內容] Based in the Netherlands, OKRA Landscape Architects have already been active for a quarter century. Both at home and abroad, they have proven themselves through valuable visions and designs for the public realm that reflect an integrated approach to both the urban and the rural. The office addresses contemporary issues with carefully considered solutions respectful of historical structures, and with original designs that are, above all, people friendly. This monograph presents the main projects OKRA has worked on in the last decade, such as Cork's Marina Park, Jaarbeursplein in Utrecht, and Basel city centre, and provides essential background information for each.