不管你是專業的設計師、居家DIY高手,還是超愛逛網拍的閃靈刷手,都絕對不能缺少一個有質感又好用的捲尺。 厭倦了市面上醜醜又廉價的捲尺了嗎? ”Unic原木造型捲尺”嚴選美國進口頂級白橡木/胡桃木製造,每一件單品都是由多年經驗的木工老師傅手工細心打磨而成,溫暖樸實的原木質感保證讓您愛不釋手,搭配經典復古的火柴盒包裝,讓您不管自用或拿來送禮都超有面子! This tiny Pocket-sized and fully-retractable wooden tape measure is easy to use and carry. Made from high quality America woods. You will love it when you hold it in hands! The highly-portable, unique“Enter”keyboard feature will meet just about anyone’s needs. This tape measure makes a great, thoughtful (and useful!) gift for any friends and family in your life. 品牌:UNIC