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原文書Evolution: The Human Story 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

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原文書Evolution: The Human Story 描述

#英國DK原裝進口 30.5 x 26公分大開數 / 256頁 / 全彩印刷硬殼精裝 Fully updated with the latest discoveries and research, amazingly realistic illustrations and detailed maps plot eight million years of human development in the context of our genetics, anatomy, behavior, environment, migrations, and culture. This unrivaled illustrated guide to human evolution brings you face-to-face with your ancient ancestors. Traveling back in time almost eight million years, the book charts the development of our species, Homo sapiens, from tree-dwelling primates to modern humans. Evolution investigates each of our ancestors in detail and in context, from the anatomy of their bones to the environment they lived in. Key fossil finds are showcased on double-page feature spreads. Detailed maps show where each species has been found and plot the gradual spread of humans around the world. The book has been fully updated to include the latest discoveries and research--including the newly discovered species Homo naledi--and presents the latest thinking on some of the most captivating questions in science, such as whether modern humans and Neanderthals interacted with each other. Written and authenticated by a team of acknowledged experts and illustrated by renowned Dutch paleoartists the Kennis brothers, Evolution presents the story of our species with unique richness, authority, and detail. 【克捷圖書商場】 克捷圖書成立於2009年,為一專業圖書行銷公司, 我們相信,現今的圖書公司,並不是只有銷售,而是愛書人與書之間重要的橋樑,我們販賣的不僅是書,也是對於知識的渴望,對於自我成長的追求,還有心靈的陶冶,思想的啟迪,也希望提倡閱讀風氣,推廣終身學習的理念。

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原文書Evolution: The Human Story 用戶評測

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