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居家設計3冊套書 - The Well-Dressed Home + 就愛家設計 + 小家大格局!樂活空間魔法術 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

居家設計3冊套書 - The Well-Dressed Home + 就愛家設計 + 小家大格局!樂活空間魔法術 規格

居家設計3冊套書 - The Well-Dressed Home + 就愛家設計 + 小家大格局!樂活空間魔法術 最新價格

居家設計3冊套書 - The Well-Dressed Home + 就愛家設計 + 小家大格局!樂活空間魔法術 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

居家設計3冊套書 - The Well-Dressed Home + 就愛家設計 + 小家大格局!樂活空間魔法術 描述

1套3冊 / 定價約2000元 / #特價690元免運費 【The Well-Dressed Home: Fashionable Design Inspired by Your Personal Style】 Create a personalized living space that reflects your fashion and style sensibilities with the help of interior designer Annette Tatum in The Well-Dressed Home. Founder of the popular and successful House and Little House lines of high-end apparel, accessories, bedding, and furniture, Tatum reveals how to draw inspiration from the fashion world, pop culture, and especially your own closet to create stunning, one-of-a-kind room designs. Personality is key when developing your wardrobe, and the same is true when creating a unique decorating scheme for your home. The Well-Dressed Home will guide you in identifying your personal fashion style and then inspire you to use the same creative influences to design your home decor. Tatum reveals eleven of the most universal fashion styles, including romantic, couture, classic, casual, bohemian, retro, and modern, and encourages you to use the colors, fabrics, textures, and patterns characteristic of these aesthetics to decorate your home. From an eco-bohemian chic loft in New York City to a home in the Hollywood Hills filled with vintage-romantic flea market finds, these enviable rooms will show you how to style your home to reflect your eye for fashion. Tatum understands style contradictions, too, and shows how to express them boldly and beautifully. By layering your inspirations, you can create a space that reflects your style and the styles of those with whom you share your home. Illustrated with more than two hundred lush, full-color photographs, The Well-Dressed Home is the perfect resource for fashion enthusiasts looking to infuse a sense of their personal style into their homes. 【就愛家設計:居家設計.裝潢.DIY.改造.花藝.買物.省錢絕技大公開,輕鬆打造舒適風格窩(附贈彩色PVC書套)】 實用又省錢的改造計畫,內行人才知道的獨門妙招,大至室內大翻修、老房子換新裝,小至老舊家具重生術、花小錢買好物,輕鬆打造符合自身需求、反映個人風格的舒適漂亮居家!◆70個藝術家和設計師居家風格案例搶鮮看:從公寓到小套房,從閣樓空間到鄉間大宅,從教堂工廠改建到結合工作室功能的住家,師法名家的裝潢布置技巧和創意巧思。◆50個大改造計畫:從客廳到卧室,從廚房到餐廳,從家具到擺設,煥然一新,化腐朽為神奇!◆50個DIY計畫:詳細說明空間條件、時間、花費、材料、難度、步驟,新手也能變手作達人。◆20個花藝技法:從了解花材到插花要訣,讓你在家也能輕鬆重製這些經典插花作品,為居家環境增添丰采。◆700多張精美照片與插畫:詳細圖解,幫你以有限的時間與預算,完成夢想的室內裝潢。◆完整的DIY基本功:從椅墊靠枕製作、家具整修粉刷,到貼壁紙縫製窗簾沙發套,無所不包!◆超值好物哪裡買,省錢絕技報你知:從寢具衛浴到手工藝DIY用品,從布料燈具到五金零件,從磁磚餐具到地毯油漆,古董&跳蚤市場、二手&平價商店、線上網購店家資訊評價全蒐錄! ◆另附贈彩色PVC書套,不怕髒污,完整珍藏屬於你的裝潢聖經! 【小家大格局!樂活空間魔法術:243個設計、裝潢、收納、改造愛窩的完美提案】 單身族、租屋客、頂客族、小家庭的福音,打造幸福好宅不是夢!居家裝潢改造前最想參考的一本書:滿載經典裝飾技法&實用設計祕訣,解決住家所有疑難問題!創意滿點,容易實行,貼近需求,符合預算,質感超優,滿足你對家的所有要求與想像!◆不同於市售許多華而不實、窒礙難行的居家裝潢書,作者從自身經驗出發,以最符合需求和預算的做法,為讀者量身打造最實用的居家改造終極寶典。◆243個創意提案,從客廳到廚房,從卧室到浴室,從收納到修繕,從家具擺設到配件小物,從材料選用到配色建議,裝飾絕技一本搞定!◆400張圖解照片和插畫,搭配作者夫妻的幽默口吻熱情解說,一看就懂!◆詳附各項計畫的花費、難度和耗時,以及實用訣竅、貼心叮嚀和注意事項。有些創意甚至不必花錢,用手邊現成材料即可執行完成,簡單易做又高質感高CP值,心動馬上行動!◆作者的心頭好:好創意哪裡找&好物哪裡買,不藏私大公開!地方小+預算少,讓你遲遲無法付諸行動改造住家?對裝潢一竅不通,改造住家只能聽從室內設計師和裝潢公司意見,任憑擺布?還是,你根本搞不清楚你的住家有什麼問題?或者,你想讓現在的家進化升級,變得更舒適宜人,更是你心目中的理想愛窩?本書就是你解決所有居家改造問題的關鍵答案!這本終極創意寶典,充滿各種有趣、簡單、對預算友善的祕訣,經典及新奇並具,讓你點亮屋子的每個空間。

居家設計3冊套書 - The Well-Dressed Home + 就愛家設計 + 小家大格局!樂活空間魔法術 商品選項

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