【麥克書店】LOOK THERE'S 系列|交通工具探險趣|幼兒英文故事書 LOOK THERE'S A ROCKET|火箭探險趣 3.2.1 發射~~你知道在太空艙裡有什麼嗎? 您知道宇宙長怎麼樣嗎? 我們一起去宇宙探險吧~~ LOOK THERE'S A SUBMARINE|潛水艇探險趣 跟著我們一起搭潛水艇去一窺海洋裡的動物吧~ 挖洞的設計,使孩子有不同的感覺。 除了認識海中生物之外,還能讓孩子學習數數及顏色的認識喔~ LOOK, THERE'S A HELICOPTER|直升機冒險記 Follow the holes to read the story in this interactive flying adventure! Little ones will love finding the holes with their fingers, peeping through and turning the page to see what they become. With a gentle rhyming text encouraging children to say what they can spy in every scene, this is a journey through the stars to visit time and time again. LOOK, THERE'S A TRACTOR|拖曳機冒險記 Follow the holes to read the story in this interactive farmyard adventure! Little ones will love finding the holes with their fingers, peeping through and turning the page to see what they become. With a gentle rhyming text encouraging children to say what they can spy in every scene, this is a journey through a farm to visit time and time again. 規格:18.5x19cm/硬頁/彩色 #麥克書店 #故事書 #繪本 #故事繪本 #全新 #限量 #現貨 #親子 #共讀 #兒童 #幼兒 #孩子 #進口 #正版