【麥克書店】NO-BOT: THE ROBOT WITH NO BOTTOM|英文故事繪本 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
【麥克書店】NO-BOT: THE ROBOT WITH NO BOTTOM|英文故事繪本 機器人的屁股不見了,請問你有看到在哪嗎? Bernard the Robot loses his bottom on the park swing, and sets off to find it. Every time he gets close, it disappears again! Bird was using it as a nest, but it was too heavy; Bear used it in his drum kit, but it was too tinny; the Squirrels built sandcastles with it...and now it looks as if they're sailing away in it. Will Bernard EVER get his bottom back? 作者:Sue Hendra 繪者:Sue Hendra 適合年齡:3~6歲 規格:26×26cm/平裝/彩色 出版社:SIMON & SCHUSTER #麥克書店 #故事書 #繪本 #故事繪本 #全新 #限量 #現貨 #親子 #共讀 #兒童 #幼兒 #孩子 #進口 #正版