【麥克書店】THE EASTER BUNNY'S ASSISTANT|英文故事繪本童書外文書故事書復活節 主題:節慶繪本 > 復活節、友誼 Sometimes friends can be the best assistants. But sometimes they can be the smelliest ones too. That's what the Easter Bunny finds out when his friend Skunk tries to help him dye some Easter eggs. They start with Step One: Hard Boil the Eggs. But the Easter Bunny quickly discovers that whenever Skunk gets excited, Skunk gets a little…skunky. As he and the Easter Bunny go through each egg-dying step, Skunk gets more and more excited…and smells worse and worse! Will he finally find a way to lend a paw, or will the Easter Bunny have to resort to Step Four: Remove Skunk from Room? 書號:AFHA2879 作者:Jan Thomas 繪者:Jan Thomas 適合年齡:3~6歲 規格:23.5×23.5cm/精裝/彩色/38頁 出版社:HARPER COLLINS ISBN:9780061692864 【店長小叮嚀】 *我們的書都是直接國外出版社進口,絕對不會有盜版貨或淘寶貨,請各位讀者放心。 *因為是大量進貨,難免會有些小瑕疪,若您收到書籍有任何狀況,請拍照片後傳聊聊給店長,我們會盡快為您處理。 *基本上賣場裡的商品都有現貨,但可能因為您眼光太好,選的書太熱門了,所以暫時缺貨。若有遇到缺書,我們會以聊聊的方式通知您換書或重下訂單。 *我們收到訂單後約1-2天(不含假日)會出貨,宅配約1-2天到貨,超商取貨約3-5天到貨。 *宅配訂單滿999元免運;超商取貨免運活動為蝦皮官方舉辦,需搭配免運券才可免運喲!