LEGO NINJAGO:JAY NINJA OF LIGHTNING|樂高英文讀本【麥克書店】 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
LEGO NINJAGO:JAY NINJA OF LIGHTNING|樂高英文讀本【麥克書店】 Jay is much like the element he represents: fast and full of energy. Always good in a fight, always up for a laugh, and always, always inventing. Even if those inventions don't always turn out the way he wants! 書號:AFSK0019 作者:Greg Farshtey 適合年齡:7~12歲 規格:13.5×19cm/平裝/黑白/約80頁 出版社:SCHOLASTIC INC ISBN:9780545369947 更多樂高英文小讀本 #樂高讀本橋樑書系列