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【麥克書店】WEE SING NURSERY RHYMES AND LULLABIES|童謠有聲書|廖彩杏老師推薦書籍 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

【麥克書店】WEE SING NURSERY RHYMES AND LULLABIES|童謠有聲書|廖彩杏老師推薦書籍 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


【麥克書店】WEE SING NURSERY RHYMES AND LULLABIES|歌詞+童謠CD 經典WEE SING是陪伴孩子們成長的快樂來源! WEE SING NURSERY RHYMES AND LULLABIES 共囊括了78首輕鬆的歌謠韻文及溫暖搖籃曲,無論是睡前舒眠使用或簡單韻律活動,都非常適合! CD內附的歌詞本,除了歌詞還有基本五線譜,讓老師們可以透過各種樂器,增加學習時的多樣化! CD曲目: 1. Nursery Rhymes 2. Hickory Dickory Dock 3. Jack and Jill 4. Thirty Days 5. The North Wind Doth Blow 6. One Misty, Moisty Morning 7. I Love Little Pussy 8. Lazy Mary 9. There Was a Little Girl 10. Mary Had a Little Lamb 11. Georgie Porgie 12. Going to St. Ives 13. Diddle, Diddle, Dumpling 14. Little Boy Blue 15. To Market, To Market 16. Six Little Ducks 17. Polly, Put the Kettle On 18. Over in the Meadow 19. This Old Man 20. There Was a Crooked Man 21. Doctor Foster 22. See-Saw, Sacra-Down 23. Baa, Baa, Black Sheep 24. Little Bo-Peep 25. From Wibbleton to Wobbleton 26. Ride a Cock-Horse 27. Pussy-Cat, Pussy-Cat 28. Mary, Mary 29. Rub-a-Dub-Dub 30. This Little Pig Went to Market 31. Sing a Song of Sixpence 32. I Had a Little Nut Tree 33. Jack, Be Nimble 34. Hot Cross Buns 35. Pease Porridge Hot 36. Betty Botter 37. Jack Sprat 38. See-Saw, Margery Daw 39. Pat-a-Cake 40. Three Little Kittens 41. Little Tommy Tucker 42. Lucy Locket 43. Little Jack Horner 44. Little Miss Muffet 45. Peter Piper 46. Oh Where, Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone? 47. Higglety, Pigglety 48. Fiddle-De-Dee 49. Hey Diddle Diddle 50. Old King Cole 51. Humpty Dumpty 52. Hickety, Pickety, My Black Hen 53. Hot Cross Buns 54. There Was an old Woman 55. To Babyland 56. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star Lullabies: 57. All Through the Night 58. Wee Willie Winkie 59. Rock-a-Bye, Baby 60. Armenian Lullaby 61. Bye, Baby Bunting 62. My Dolly 63. All Night, All Day 64. The Moon 65. Golden Slumbers 66. Hush, Little Baby 67. Bye, Bye, Baby 68. Early to Bed 69. Mozart's Lullaby 70. Lullaby 71. Star Light 72. Good Night to You All 73. Hush, My Child 74. Brahms' Lullaby 75. Hush-A-Bye 76. Sleep, Baby, Sleep 77. All the Pretty Little Horses 78. Sweetly Sleep




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