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【聯合文學】漢字有意思!2:跟著劉墉一家趣味玩漢字(中英文對照) 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

【聯合文學】漢字有意思!2:跟著劉墉一家趣味玩漢字(中英文對照) 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


追索漢字的演變,創意生動的學習,《漢字有意思》第2集,重磅上市!   認識各體漢字,發掘文字起源,欣賞書法之美,探尋趣味典故,學習中英語文,增添生活樂趣,立即學以致用!   Learn Hanzi etymology, appreciate calligraphy in its various forms, discover the origin of Chinese characters and the stories behind them, and find their use in daily life!   ★書中有畫,畫中有字   每一個漢字,都有一幅劉墉手繪美麗的畫,手寫該字的「剪影」、「甲骨文」、「金文」、「小篆」到「楷書」,揭示漢字的誕生和演變過程,再加上深入淺出的生動中英文解說,孩子輕輕鬆鬆很快就能學會這個字。   ★一個字一次捉迷藏,每個字都是尋寶   愈能用在生活中的學習方法,學起來就更簡單容易!   每一個漢字,都有一張取材自日常生活的照片當例子,讓孩子試著從照片找一找,找到這個字,會特別興奮,也會記得特別牢。以後上街看到招牌或餐館的菜單,隨時隨地都能學認字。   ★圖像教法好記憶,增強聯想跟創意   當一個人用圖像記憶法學漢字,文字就不再生硬死板,非但可以幫助認字,而且能夠增加聯想,甚至由此加強創意。   ★本書為「中英文對照」   本書英文由劉墉女兒劉倚帆從小邊學邊譯,經劉軒校正,盡力保持簡單易讀,適合孩子學習同步學習中英文。   劉墉:「過去幾十年,我總用圖像教漢字的方法做實驗。早年在美國大學教書,發現能讓洋孩子立刻愛上中文。後來生了女兒,用這套方法教ABC娃娃,居然也事半功倍,使她而今能在北京作中英文翻譯。而現在劉軒的孩子到了認字的年齡,也是用這一套方法學習漢字。 作者介紹 作者簡介 劉墉 Yung Liu   聞名兩岸的畫家、作家、教育家。出版文學藝術作品一百餘種,被譯為英、韓、泰、越等國文字,在世界各地個展三十餘次。   One of the most influential and popular writers of the Chinese speaking world, and also a renowned painter and educator, Mr. Liu has written over one hundred books of essays, prose, short fiction, inspiration literature and art analysis, and his books have been translated to English, Korean, Thai and many other international editions. As a painter, Mr. Liu has held more than thirty solo exhibitions throughout the world, and his artworks are regularly featured in Sotheby’s, Christie’s and other major auction houses. 劉軒 Xuan Liu   音樂家、作家、演說家及主持人,美國哈佛大學心理學碩士及博士研究,出版中、英、韓文作品十餘種。   Musician, writer, speaker, radio show host. Holds BA from Harvard University and M.Ed from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. He is also a classically trained pianist and one of the most in-demand DJs in Taiwan. As a writer, he has written eleven books and translated several other works. 劉倚帆 Yvonne Liu   美國哥倫比亞大學畢業,賓州大學華頓商學院研究生。曾任美國華納兄弟娛樂公司中國區經理,出版英文翻譯作品兩種。   Graduate of Columbia University and current MBA candidate at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Former Manager of China for Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. She as previously translated two books from Chinese to English.








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