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【期間特價】JSL 超纖革鉚釘骷髏手拿包 手拿包 側背包 兩用 多功能包 平板包 防水 抗污 J9-14-04 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

【期間特價】JSL 超纖革鉚釘骷髏手拿包 手拿包 側背包 兩用 多功能包 平板包 防水 抗污 J9-14-04 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


Search for an incredible me Black Thorns & Black Surprise Series 黑荊棘&黑驚喜系列 荊棘滿途的道路,以勇敢的信念披荊斬棘,在暗黑中尋找難以置信的我,創造出屬於自我獨特的風格。 品牌專屬Logo及骷髏頭結合的配件五金,配合暗黑色鉚釘,並精選厚質pu皮革,耐磨抗撕裂防潑水,以及特殊壓紋處理呈現出表面光澤度和極佳觸感,與天然皮革相互媲美,是目前最完美的皮件材質。 JSL用最隨性的態度大膽創作,以最嚴謹的方式堅守商品品質! 料號:J9-14-04 原價:NT1980 / 只 ( 期間特價5折 NT 990 / 只 ) 材質:厚質PU仿皮 尺寸:寬約23.5cm 高約16.5cm 說明:JSL品牌出產商品造型獨特、數量稀少並具原創性,商品多半不區分男女款,若符合自身喜好,尺寸皆可修改。 可告知手圍、戒圍、或項鍊所需長度,代客修改至合適的尺寸。但需注意修改商品無法做退換貨。 修改剩餘的零件,未來仍可加回長度,也可留作備用零件。(戒指尺寸改小不會有剩餘零件) JSL (Jacob S. Lai) │品牌介紹│ J S L –設計靈感源於文藝復興時代的經典圖像,充滿藝術及原創性的原創品牌。 設計與風格不受拘限,產品引人注目,將個性 特殊、稀有性巧妙地融合,讓作品擁有力量,和突出特質。而在多元文化中吸引,並擁有理解和鑑賞的一群同好。 JSL於2007年成立至今,由台灣設計師JacobS. Lai設計並創辦,豐富的設計資歷,並善於將腦中的靈感具體呈現,也為創作再視界各地找尋靈感,開拓視野,讓創作融合東方與西方的藝術風格,無國界的進行交流,不停顛覆創作思維,因此產不受風格拘限,多元化及豐富的多樣性,是JSL冀望,並持續創造新意的原動力。 | JSL的Logo | 走進文藝復興時代,當時的人文思想,取材自騎士手中的十字矛,象徵騎士精神裡,人追求自由的決心,與捍衛夢想的勇氣,秉持文藝復興時代勇於突破框架的精神,與時空交替的理想世界,讓藝術不停演繹,。 十字矛Logo代表JSL特立獨行的風格,獨特、充滿原創風格與自我的精神象徵!表達自我的力量,展現自由、時尚、與不受拘束的特質之外,在佐以深層的感受後,能激發內心深處勇於冒險、創新、並追求夢想的勇氣,對未來的擁有憧憬,進而塑造喜愛的自己。 JSL了解您堅持做不一樣的自己、以及想傳達出的獨特風格,我們為您勾勒出一個一個專屬於您的畫面,共同追求夢想的力量。 Brand Name / JSL (Jacob S. Lai) | Brand Introduction | JSL-Inspired by art, its design is based on classical images from Renaissance. Combining popular elements and unique creativity, the brand has its own personality. JSL's design and style gets people's attention for its simplicity and resplendent styles combining with an understanding and appreciation of the pop culture. JSL pursues “youth, fashion and vivacity”in its designs; JSL not only has youthful vivacity but also creates a sense of trendy elegance. JSL(JACOB SAINT LUIS) established in 2007 is reaching the top the design field of Taiwan brands in 2013. Mr. Jacob S. Lai , the founder and Chief Designer of JSL , leads and creates the brand into its specialty combined with traditional and modern mode. Meanwhile, its inner spirit owns eastern and western artistic beauty from sharing main ideas and creativity with all Taiwanese top designers. Especially, JSL's design style has orientally mysterious beauty and traditional philosophy. It breaks the boundary between east and west design. Its style moves back and forward to modern and conservative ideas with interesting mixtures o and plain innovations, which always plays fluent and splendid music. JSL's extremly diverse design principles are able to subvert everyone's fashion vision; those principles make JSL outstanding from other brands. JSL starts from Taiwan, Asia to create brand's spirit. The symbolic logo represents its distinctive and original style which is full of uniqueness! Let every newborn pretty atmosphere be full of unique spirit. The diverse design team enriches JSL's style and allows the company developes diversly and internationally. We are hoping to use our unique design style to communicate with our customers; thus agitating the fashion movement, evoking new fashion topics together.







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