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[butyshop沛莉] 純淨。維生素純C30%粉霜 (32ml) 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

[butyshop沛莉] 純淨。維生素純C30%粉霜 (32ml) 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


產品特色: [由內而外除舊復新、重返年輕細緻肌膚] 白皙肌膚,改善暗沉,恢復肌膚彈性,細緻肌膚,促進新舊肌膚世代交替,重返青春年輕肌膚。 主要成份: 長效穩定活性抗壞血酸(維生素C-Ascorbic Acid):30%超高濃度將數以萬計的超微細活性C分子封存在無水、無氧、無光微胞內,一旦使用於高水分的肌膚表面,C分子微胞瞬間打開,啟動活性,經過一整夜的由內而外除舊復新,一早醒來就是見證肌膚神奇改變的時刻!膚色、黯沉、肌膚瑕疵、毛孔、粗糙、細紋、老化角質...... 維生素E乙酸酯:抗氧化劑、肌膚調理劑,維他命E的前趨成分,抗氧化、保濕、滋養及保護皮膚,能使肌膚柔軟並保持水分。 用途功效: 白皙肌膚,改善暗沉,恢復肌膚彈性,細緻肌膚,促進新舊肌膚世代交替,重返青春年輕肌膚。 Skin brightening and whitening, eliminate dullness, restore skin elasticity, refine skin, skin renewal, return to delicate young skin 使用建議: 每晚於化妝水或精華液之後,取適量均勻塗於肌膚,可白天使用但須徹底做好防曬以保護新的細嫩肌膚。 如果手指或臉上有過量的純C沾黏,請用足量的化妝水、精華液或乳液稀釋水解再使用。 注意事項: *純C需要大量水分及保濕成分來啟動活性,使用前請務必確認肌膚上有先保留足夠的水分才能發揮完全的效果。(塗抹均勻後如果發現水分仍不足,可用噴霧瓶噴微量化妝水或冷開水再次補充) *含有高濃度純C,初期使用會有短暫微微叮刺感是正常現象,如不適應請減半使用量或更少。 *高濃度純C會還原人體肌膚表面的鐵離子,使用後肌膚表面會有數小時的鐵味是正常現象,如不適應請減半使用量或更少。 *不要跟菸鹼醯胺B3、杏仁酸、傳明酸等酸性產品同時使用,以免影響效果。建議可拆成早晚分開使用。 Apply onto skin evenly after tonic lotion or essence at nights. Please be sure to wear the sunscreen to protect the new delicate skin in case of using in the daytime. If excessive pure C sticks to your fingers or skin, please dilute with a lot of essence or lotion then reapply evenly. Notice: *Pure C needs a lot of water and moisturizer to initiate the activities. Before using, please make sure there is enough moisture on the skin to reach the full efficacies. * Due to high purity of ascorbic acid, it is a normal feeling of stinging after using for a few minutes. If it is not adapted, please halve the amount or less. ** High concentration of pure C will reduce the iron ions on the skin. It is normal that the iron smell last for several hours after use. If it is not adapted, please halve the amount or less. * Don't use in combination with Niacinamide, Mandelic Acid, Transamin or acidic products as considerations of efficacy. 容量:32ml 保存期限:3年 貨源:原廠公司貨 產地:台灣







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