現今的時尚正從根本上被再塑造,並重新定義時尚和各種設計領域的輪廓及界線,從藝術、雕塑、建築理汲取靈感再將之重繪,本書為您展示今日最具實驗精神的時裝設計師們的創新理念!書中提出一系列立體結構變形、幾何構造,以及您將前所未見的特殊時裝輪廓設計,顯示出驚人的將雕塑及建築概念運用於時裝設計上,並收錄有設計師從收集靈感的筆記、設計發想的草稿到樣衣製作等流程的紀錄彩照,本書將是對專業於時尚設計及藝術的設計師及學生,和愛好大膽的立體型式時裝的愛好者的最佳參考書籍選擇。 In the hands of today's most experimental fashion designers, the human silhouette is being radically reshaped and the boundaries between fashion, art, sculpture and architecture, fascinatingly redrawn. Shapeshifters showcases a range of inspiring and visually-arresting designs from designers all over the world. From bulbous and voluminous to austere and angular, the looks presented will be provocative, exquisite and sumptuous, and will intrigue with their demonstration of the structural potential of clothing. Displaying astonishingly architectural concepts that are graphically striking and sculptural, this book will appeal to students and designers in fashion and the fine arts, as well as lovers of bold and three-dimensional forms.