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The Old Man and the Sea【原著彩色二版】(25K) 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

The Old Man and the Sea【原著彩色二版】(25K) 規格

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The Old Man and the Sea【原著彩色二版】(25K) 描述

The Old Man and the Sea is a masterpiece by Ernest Hemingway, one of the 20th century’s greatest writers. The simple plot contains no symbolism or philosophy; Hemingway just vividly describes a joyous triumph won in a relentless, agonizing battle by an old man who never ceases to struggle. With its simple and powerful language, the work has been praised for exhibiting Hemingway’s belief that although life is a fight and defeat its ultimate outcome, the dignity of the battle is itself worthy of respect. There isn't any symbolism. The sea is the sea. The old man is an old man. The boy is a boy and the fish is a fish. The shark are all sharks no better and no worse. All the symbolism that people say is shit. What goes beyond is what you see beyond when you know. --Ernest Hemmingway 海明威是20世紀美國文壇最為人所熟知的作家,其寫作風格受昔日擔任記者的影響,文字精簡。在其作品中,榮獲諾貝爾文學獎的英文經典名著《老人與海》,是海明威晚年最具代表性的作品。其內容沒有過多的角色,沒有浮華不實的敘述,以單純精練的筆觸描寫一位老人與大海及命運的搏鬥。《老人與海》於1952年問世以來,在文壇上一直享譽盛名,甚至讓海明威獨特的寫作風格在當時的美國文壇掀起一股仿效風潮。 在此部作品中,海明威用獨樹一幟的筆鋒刻畫出生動的場景,鮮活地表達出老人的內心對話與孤寂。讓人彷彿置身其中,嗅聞著大海的氣息;看著魚群在海中穿梭,心情也隨著老人的心境起伏跌宕。而其中最激動人心的,莫過於老人不願向命運低頭的堅毅及一份不輕易放棄的精神。在與大魚纏鬥的過程中,數度的困境和打擊,都無法讓他退縮。即使旁人投以嘲笑或憐憫,老人也不自暴自棄,仍踏著自己堅定的步伐,走在自己的人生路上。 這位老人正是海明威筆下典型的硬漢(Code Hero): 一位正直磊落的漢子,在沸沸騰騰、如牛負重、充滿磨難的世界裡, 仍能始終秉持著骨氣和勇氣,堅忍不拔。 A man who lives correctly, following the ideals of honor, courage, and endurance in a world that is sometimes chaotic, often stressful, and always painful.

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