Short Articles for Reading Comprehension 2 2/e (with CD-ROM) 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
書號:0070133002 ISBN:9781640150881 作者:Ken Methold 出版日期:2018 年 01 月 本書介紹: 此系列為循序漸進的閱讀課程設計的教材,強調英文閱讀技巧的培養,適合初級到中高級的學生。此課程訓練學生如何從每個段落取得文章重點資訊,紮實訓練學生閱讀理解能力,從分析文章著手,培養學生真正的閱讀實力。 Short Articles for Comprehension is a three-level reading course intended for high-beginning to low-intermediate students learning to read English. Most reading passages and exercises have been revised and updated for the Second Edition. The non-fiction passages found throughout this series present students with a wide range of up-to-date informative articles that will help transition students from a learning-to-read stage to a reading-to-learn stage of language development. Key features include: ● Non-fiction passages developed with controlled readability ● Multiple reading comprehension and vocabulary reinforcement activities in each unit ● Writing activities based on the content of reading passages ● Wrap up exercises designed to organize students' understanding of reading passages at the end of every unit ● MP3 CDs including Class Booster (1)現貨商品寄送需2~3個工作日,不含六~日與國定假日。 少量商品出貨天數約7天,不含六日 (2)因超商寄件有大小、重量限制,如訂購多本書籍請使用宅配。 **超商尺寸規格:長+寬+高<105公分,單邊長度<45公分** (總重量不得超過5公斤) (3)如有任何問題,請先使用”聊聊”詢問,小編會盡快回覆您!! 上班時間為星期一~五AM9:00~PM6:00 (4)退換貨:若非產品本身瑕疵或寄送錯誤,而申請退換貨者,請於7日內使用聊聊聯絡。