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Preschool Big Fun Workbook 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

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Preschool Big Fun Workbook 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

Preschool Big Fun Workbook 描述

書號:0060812 ISBN:9781629797625 出版日期:2017 年 04 月 Puzzles + Skills Practice + Humor = School Success! This award-wining workbook is packed with exercises that make learning fun and will help your child develop skills for school readiness and success. Developed with education experts, and teacher-approved, this workbook will engage preschoolers and get them excited about learning! Blending over 250 pages of Hidden Pictures puzzles, humor, and skills practice, preschoolers will practice a variety of skills in subjects like pre-reading and early math through exercises that will boost their confidence and supplement what they’re learning in their classroom or play group. Key subjects covered include: Language Arts: uppercase and lowercase letters, sight words, handwriting, rhyming Math: numbers, counting, patterns, adding, subtracting Shapes, colors, opposites, and sequencing The book also has an introduction with easy tips for parents, a Certificate of Achievement, and online activities. Winner, Family Choice Award Winner, PAL (Play Advances Language) Award A Parents' Choice Recommended Book PAL (Play Advances Language) Top Ten Pick (1)現貨商品寄送需2~3個工作日,不含六~日與國定假日。 少量商品出貨天數約7天,不含六日 (2)因超商寄件有大小、重量限制,如訂購多本書籍請使用宅配。 **超商尺寸規格:長+寬+高<105公分,單邊長度<45公分** (總重量不得超過5公斤) (3)如有任何問題,請先使用”聊聊”詢問,小編會盡快回覆您!! 上班時間為星期一~五AM9:00~PM6:00 (4)退換貨:若非產品本身瑕疵或寄送錯誤,而申請退換貨者,請於7日內使用聊聊聯絡。

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