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Writing Essays about Literature 4/e 描述

書況補充說明:此書年代久遠,有書斑、髒污、自然泛黃及使用痕跡,不影響閱讀,請不介意者再購買,謝謝。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Writing Essays about Literature 4/e 書號:0080284 ISBN:9780155001572 作者:Griffith, Kelley 出版日期:1994 年 01 月 本書內容: Preface I wrote this book in response to needs that constantly arose in my literature courses. When I assigned out-of-class essays, students would respond with perplexity and even panic: "What should I look for?" "What do you want?" "How long should the essay be?" "Do we have to use outside sources?" Some students had never written essays about literature, and some not for a long time. They were at a loss about how to get started. After answering such questions again and again, I realized I wanted a book that would not only meet my students' immediate needs but would also cover most aspects of writing about literature. It would introduce students to the study of literature, define key critical terms, explain details of usage, and include whole essays that would serve as illustrations of good student writing. (1)現貨商品寄送需2~3個工作日,不含六~日與國定假日。 少量商品出貨天數約7天,不含六日 (2)因超商寄件有大小、重量限制,如訂購多本書籍請使用宅配。 **超商尺寸規格:長+寬+高<105公分,單邊長度<45公分** (總重量不得超過5公斤) (3)如有任何問題,請先使用”聊聊”詢問,小編會盡快回覆您!! 上班時間為星期一~五AM9:00~PM6:00 (4)退換貨:若非產品本身瑕疵或寄送錯誤,而申請退換貨者,請於7日內使用聊聊聯絡。

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