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Project Success 5 (with Lab Code) 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

Project Success 5 (with Lab Code) 規格

Project Success 5 (with Lab Code) 最新價格

Project Success 5 (with Lab Code) 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

Project Success 5 (with Lab Code) 描述

Project Success 5 (with Lab Code) 書號:0320018006 ISBN:9780132985130 作者:Susan Gaer/ Sarah Lynn 出版日期:2014 年 02 月 本書介紹: Project Success is a standards-based blended-learning course with a strong focus on workplace skills, career readiness, and 21st Century challenges. This six-level, video-based course develops transferable academic and work place skills. The high-interest videos represent a ‘day-in-the-life’ of characters in diverse workplace settings. Project Success integrates audio, video, and online tools for a seamless blend of classroom and online learning. Teacher-Directed Classroom Learning Students use their print book to follow along in class as teachers project course book page sand engage students with integrated video, audio, and additional pop-up content. Student-Centered Online Learning Students access online interactive practice activities anytime, anywhere. Every lesson has supplemental online practice to reinforce key content. Practice exercises and assessments provide instant and qualitative feedback. THE SIX-LEVEL PROGRAM INCLUDES: ● Print student book and digital eText with integrated video and audio ● My English Lab with interactive online practice and assessment ● Active Teach, a powerful digital resource for whole-class teaching. Allows teachers to project lessons with integrated video and audio. Includes pop-up Teacher Notes, downloadable lesson planners, reproducibles, and additional teacher support materials. (1)現貨商品寄送需2~3個工作日,不含六~日與國定假日。 少量商品出貨天數約7天,不含六日 (2)因超商寄件有大小、重量限制,如訂購多本書籍請使用宅配。 **超商尺寸規格:長+寬+高<105公分,單邊長度<45公分** (總重量不得超過5公斤) (3)如有任何問題,請先使用”聊聊”詢問,小編會盡快回覆您!! 上班時間為星期一~五AM9:00~PM6:00 (4)退換貨:若非產品本身瑕疵或寄送錯誤,而申請退換貨者,請於7日內使用聊聊聯絡。

Project Success 5 (with Lab Code) 商品選項

Project Success 5 (with Lab Code) 屬性


Project Success 5 (with Lab Code) 用戶評測

超讚的出貨速度 超讚的商品品質 超讚的cp值 超讚的服務 整體讚讚????

優質的賣家 包裝完整 書本沒有被凹折到 出貨速度也很快! 有機會再回購


就是完整全新的書????包裝很仔細 沒有什麼問題很好很棒很好很棒很好

書本包裝得很好 也不會過度包裝!出貨速度也不錯, 這禮拜上課我終於有課本了!讚


賣家包裝非常仔細!出貨速度也很快 完全趕得及學校上課的日子????????


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