書號:1690077 ISBN:9780237531713 作者:Pauline Francis 出版日期:2007 年 01 月 《伊里亞德》是古希臘犬詩人荷馬所作,是世界上最偉大的文學作品之一。幾千年來它啟發無數的聽眾與讀者。特洛國王普拉姆帶領的特洛人和希臘王阿加曼農率領的大軍打了十年,但《伊里亞德》祇描述關鍵性的幾天戰鬥。雙方的英雄格鬥慘烈,對這些英雄們來說,重要的是—如何戰鬥、如何死亡。 The Iliad. the ancient Greek classic poem composed by Homer, is one of the greatest works of literature ever written; it has inspired readers and listeners for millennia. The story tells of a few days’ fighting in the ten year long war between the Trojans led by King Priam, and the Greeks led by King Agamemnon. Heroes from both sides fight one another-how they fight, and how they die, is what is important to them.