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書號:6060802 ISBN:9789869707572 作者:Amanda Chou 出版日期:2019 年 06 月 本書介紹: 最強「雅思口說」學習方式--充分利用「高分例句」,不懼怕「抽象類」考題! 同步修正時態、強化個人感受和經驗的表達,以更「豐富」且「具體」的描述,獲得考官讚許,一次就跨越口說7+門檻! 【高達1000+ 例句,秒修正時態使用】 「哥斯大黎加的 Arenal國家公園」 I’ve been to Arenal National Park in Costa Rica. I heard many movies were shot in that National park. It’s just so lush and there is an active volcano within the national park! 我有去過哥斯大黎加的 Arenal 國家公園。我聽說很多電影在那裡拍攝過。那裡真的很翠綠,而且還有一個活火山在國家公園裡。 「國家公園與熊」 I was once really close to a bear. It was frightening, but also amazing to see a bear in such a short distance. I was in awe to see such a beautiful creature in the National Parks. 我有一次很接近一隻熊。其實蠻恐怖的,但是同時也是很神奇可以這麼近看著熊。我那時候看到這麼美的生物真的很震撼。 【語句豐富且具體化】 To truly enjoy a cup of drip black coffee, you must have someone to accompany you. There were mornings when I spent time in a local coffee shop. 要真正享受一杯濾泡式黑咖啡,我必須有伴。有些早晨我會在當地的咖啡廳消磨時間。 Cooking is not only a woman’s thing; actually, it is a man’s thing. How can a delicate little woman handle a pot of grilled juicy tenderloin, or flip a whole pizza dough overhead? 下廚不是女性的專利;說實話,這其實是件相當陽剛的事。一位纖細的小姐怎麼能抬起一整鍋炙燒多汁的梅花豬肉,或把披薩麵團舉到頭上旋轉? 【強化個人感受和經驗】 Laura carefully shows me how to open the shells with the scissors and pliers. It requires patience and prudence to eat this meal. 蘿拉小心翼翼地示範如何用剪刀和鉗子開龍蝦殼,吃這道菜還真需要耐心和細心哩。 You are able to take photos with animals, such as koalas and pandas. Have an actual contact with them, such as handling cotton candy to raccoons, while filming how they end up ruining it. 你能與像是無尾熊和貓熊這樣的動物拍照。實際與他們接觸,例如遞棉花糖給浣熊,邊攝影他們如何毀了棉花糖。 【善用慣用語讓表達更自然】 The salty mix with the bitter-sweet chocolate taste is like tear drops rolling down my throat. 那混合著苦澀與香甜的鹹味,就如眼淚般簌簌滑下我的喉嚨。 Hot waffles are delivered to our hands. The sugar is caramelized perfectly on the surface. With just one bite, the soft-chewiness has blown my mind. 熱呼呼的格子鬆餅送到我們手上了,砂糖在表面形成完美的焦糖層。我才吃一口,那軟綿又有嚼勁的口感立刻叫我大吃一驚。 【使用高階字彙提高語言水平】 So I cook up the beef, simmer it in tomato sauce, and top the pot with mashed potato. The fragrance of meat circulates in the air as the pie sits tranquilly in the oven. 於是我開始烹煮牛肉,將牛肉在番茄糊中燉煮,並在鍋頂鋪上馬鈴薯泥。當派安安靜靜地在烤箱中烘烤時,屋裡漸漸充滿了肉煮熟的香氣。 The Chinese believe that some fat helps elevate the flavor; thus, after a long time simmering on a stove, the result is a pot of sticky and fragrant pork stew. 中國人相信油脂會提升味道,因此長時間在爐上燉煮之後,結果是一鍋黏稠且芬芳的滷肉。 【抽象類主題的表達】 The most important quality is to be highly motivated. Remember that’s the criteria that HR people use to assess a person’s ability in the workplace. it’s not just your intelligence or your ability. 最重要的特質是有高度動機。記得人事部的人在評估一個人在工作場所能力的標準嗎?不僅僅是你的智力或你的能力。 (1)現貨商品寄送需2~3個工作日,不含六~日與國定假日。 少量商品出貨天數約7天,不含六日 (2)因超商寄件有大小、重量限制,如訂購多本書籍請使用宅配。 **超商尺寸規格:長+寬+高<105公分,單邊長度<45公分** (總重量不得超過5公斤) (3)如有任何問題,請先使用”聊聊”詢問,小編會盡快回覆您!! 上班時間為星期一~五AM9:00~PM6:00 (4)退換貨:若非產品本身瑕疵或寄送錯誤,而申請退換貨者,請於7日內使用聊聊聯絡。

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