(超值組合)新多益5回+Complete Guide to the TOEIC Test 3/e+多益小秘笈 (附解答) 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
1.Complete TOEIC Skills -- Five Practice Tests(with answer key) ISBN:9789861478456 作者:Rose Morgan 出版日期:2018 年 10 月 本書介紹 ***課本音檔 手機下載 iCrane即可免費下載音檔*** 練習才能致勝,沒做過這本,別急著上考場! 精選考題大公開!如臨考場的最真實體驗,熟能生巧掌握應試關鍵! 多益考試改制重點: 1. 調整題目配置比例 2. 聽力測驗加入三人對談、圖表閱讀、句意分析題型。 3. 閱讀測驗加入句子填空、通訊軟體訊息閱讀、三篇文章閱讀題型。 面對多益改制不用怕!帶你全面破解考試題型,完全戰勝新制考試! 100%全新五回全真試題!完全符合2018年全新制多益考試! Complete TOEIC® Skills: Five Practice Tests is a set of five full-length TOEIC® style tests intended for students who wish to practice their listening and reading skills in preparation for the TOEIC® Listening and Reading Test. The book is ideal for test takers of all levels and provides extensive practice in answering TOEIC® style questions. By using the five tests in this book, test takers will gain exposure to the kinds of questions they will encounter on the actual test. Five Practice Tests can be used in several ways: ● As the primary and secondary text in a TOEIC® preparation course ● As practice for taking the TOEIC® test-taking skills ● As a self-study guide for the TOEIC® Test Features ● Five full-length TOEIC® style tests ● 1,000 questions in the ETS TOEIC® format and content ● More than 4 hours of audio in MP3 format ● Separate booklets of each test are also available Components ● Transcripts for all listening questions ● Complete answer key for all 5 tests 2. Complete Guide to the TOEIC Test 3/e (with MP3+Key) (舊制) 書號:01201000 ISBN:9781424002962 作者:Bruce Rogers 出版日期:2006 年 01 月 The Complete Guide to the TOEIC Test provides learners with a clearly organized, step-by-step program for maximizing their test scores. It is the most complete and up-to-date guide to the TOEIC Test on the market. Seven lessons cover the seven parts of the new TOEIC Test. Each lesson includes: ● Format — an explanation of the structure of that part of the test ● Tactics — hints to help learners maximize their scores ● Preview Test — a hands-on introduction to that part of the test ● Testing Points — an analysis of important language points tested ● Skill-Building Exercises — activities that build the skills needed to achieve higher scores ● Review Test — consolidation of everything studied in the lesson Other features: ● Q&A section provides background information on the test, plus a clear outline of the new test format so that there are no surprises on testing day ● Eight Keys to Higher Scores suggest ways to prepare for the exam, and give overall strategies for taking the TOEIC Test ● Two Complete Practice Tests simulate actual tests in terms of format, content, and difficulty ● An Audio Script and Answer Key contains scripts for the listening material and answer keys for all the exercises and tests ● An Audio Program provides high-quality recording of all the listening materials 3. Crane Preparation for The New TOEIC Test (with AK & Transcript) 舊多益補充題本 (多益小秘笈) 售價100元 (1)現貨商品寄送需2~3個工作日,不含六~日與國定假日。 少量商品出貨天數約7天,不含六日 (2)因超商寄件有大小、重量限制,如訂購多本書籍請使用宅配。 **超商尺寸規格:長+寬+高<105公分,單邊長度<45公分*