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鶯歌集瓷【丹青燒系列】綠禾Green Grain│臺式餐具組-碗公《隨附精美禮袋》 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

鶯歌集瓷【丹青燒系列】綠禾Green Grain│臺式餐具組-碗公《隨附精美禮袋》 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


犁啊犁 掘啊掘 一畦畦的秧苗 是汗水的種籽 無諍地,度過二十四個節氣 農夫呀,總以一種樂天的模樣 仰望祈禱 低語呢喃 等待好年冬 將一把綠禾換作盤中飧 To break the ground, break! To dig the dirt, dig! All the rice seedlings are irrigated by sweat from farmers, and they will be fruitful results in the future. Farmers sacrifice everyday to work hard without complaint, they look up the sky to pray, then look down at the ground to take care seedlings. What they waiting for are prosperous foods that can enrich your dishes and life. ●造型特色 碗口的內緣設計,看得到八分滿度量線,讓飲食不多也不少。 圓圓飽滿的側線條,握住的時候很順手,視覺與觸感的平衡搭配,很簡單卻很有生活感。 Small rice bowl and big bowl are painted with a measuring line to make you eat proper amount of food, and round flow line make you grab it easily. A great balance of sense of touch and vision makes personal life style simple but special. ●產品特色Features - 丹青釉 Painting Glaze- 丹青釉是許新旺爺爺所研發之青綠色釉藥,其色澤溫潤青翠。 在當時以此釉藥 所燒製的丹青碗,為鶯歌極富代表的產品之一。 丹青碗在過去是許多家庭的生計來源,溫潤的色澤,讓世代的故事一直延續。 The Painting Glaze is a clear green color glaze developed by grandfather Hsin-Wang Shu. The green glaze bowl is one of classical products in Yingge, and it is the main industry in this small town. The warm and rich green color symbolizes story of Yingge that passed down for generations. - 慢手工 Careful handmade- 「綠禾」以手工點釉的方式,如農人插秧耕耘一樣, 將丹青色一點一點地佈滿大地。 釉的控制很重要,多一點點釉則可能燒製時會裂開, 少一點點又會不飽和,是需要仔細的手工來慢慢點。 但也因為這樣,每個產品都會有手工的成果,非常獨特。 Every dot on “Green Grain” is painted by hand carefully with green glaze, it is like that farmers transplant rice seedlings on the ground by hands. Every even and clear green dot presents the unique characteristic of artwork. 材 質/ Material:瓷器 / Porcelain 尺 寸 / Size:Φ 140 x H 80 mm 容 量 / Capacity:600ml 形體設計:許智閔/ Shape designed by Jimmy Hsu 包裝設計:胡芷寧/All Packaging designed by Niva Hu







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