Desk+1│西洋棋水果叉精裝版 (6入) Chess Fruit Forks Delux Set《隨附精美禮袋》 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
Desk+1│西洋棋水果叉精裝版 (6入) Chess Fruit Forks Delux Set《隨附精美禮袋》 描述
產品特色: 產品附木框兼具收納功能 木框後方附掛鉤,方便吊掛當成居家裝飾 水果叉表面經過晶瑩亮面處理,展現優雅輕巧 台灣設計製造 西洋棋是世上最流行的一種遊戲,富有文化意涵,流傳上千年之久,15世紀開始盛行於歐洲,棋子多用木、石材雕成,更講究的亦有用寶石、水晶或金屬製棋子,同時也是富貴人家中常見的裝飾擺設。Desk+1把國王、皇后、主教、城堡、騎士、士兵等6種棋子的造形意象適當的融入水果叉,水果叉的中央設計與該棋種相對應的武器圖形,視覺上饒富趣味,為平淡無奇的水果叉增添一絲高貴典雅的風格。 Chess Fruit Forks Chess is an old and popular game originated in India, it came into f Arab and was popular in Europe in 15th century. There are 64 squares arranged 8-by-8grid on checkerboard. The game pieces are divided into white and black sets, which consist of king, queen, rooks, bishops, knights, and pawns. The players are referred to as White against Black. Chess pieces were made from wood, stone or metal and crystal. They are also great decorative objects at home. We make fruit forks set from silhouette of chess pieces. Eat at a relaxed pace as the movement of chess, one after one. 商品規格 產地:台灣 保固:無 材質:420刃具級不鏽鋼、木框、磁板 尺寸:304 × 186 × 12mm 重量:400g 內容物:6支
Desk+1│西洋棋水果叉精裝版 (6入) Chess Fruit Forks Delux Set《隨附精美禮袋》 商品選項
Desk+1│西洋棋水果叉精裝版 (6入) Chess Fruit Forks Delux Set《隨附精美禮袋》 屬性
Desk+1│西洋棋水果叉精裝版 (6入) Chess Fruit Forks Delux Set《隨附精美禮袋》 用戶評測