The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society 《真愛收信中》 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
一來一往的書信聯繫,一個小島上的文學讀書會,一次相信愛情的大膽冒險 【唯有書寫,才能讓所愛之人獲得救贖】 女作家茱麗葉在二戰後幾乎失去一切,她的家被炸毀,她的親人去世,只剩下她的出版經紀人陪她繼續找房子,有一天她忽然收到來自根西島—一個英國附近的外島—寄來的一封信,屬名「根西馬鈴薯皮派文學讀書會」一位叫做道西的男子,他表示是在一本二手書上看見她的名字和地址,並和她分享了對這本書的想法,茱麗葉對於這個素未謀面的陌生人和「根西馬鈴薯皮派文學讀書會」感到相當好奇,便索性和她持續通信,道西和她分享根西島上的生活和讀書會成員們之間的趣事,讓茱麗葉彷彿已經是認識他們多年的朋友,於是茱麗葉決定,她要去根西島上和他們見面! 沒想到根西島是個如此無趣的地方!茱麗葉抵達後只覺得這裡超級荒涼,因戰爭破損的房子緩慢地重建,港邊盡是漁產小販和零星的海軍水手,而道西本人的個性居然這麼難相處!正當她覺得或許見面不是好主意的時候,她發現讀書會的成員們似乎有什麼祕密隱瞞著她,真相究竟是什麼?壟罩讀書會成員的灰暗過去即將被揭開... It's 1946 and author Juliet Ashton can't think what to write next. Out of the blue, she receives a letter from Dawsey Adams of Guernsey - by chance, he's acquired a book that once belonged to her - and, spurred on by their mutual love of reading, they begin a correspondence. When Dawsey reveals that he is a member of the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, her curiosity is piqued and it's not long before she begins to hear from other members. As letters fly back and forth with stories of life in Guernsey under the German Occupation, Juliet soon realizes that the society is every bit as extraordinary as its name. ISBN : 9781408810262