[注意] 1. 本店只販售全新正品,絕不賣仿冒品,請安心購買。 2. 下標前可以蝦皮聊聊是否商品有現貨。 3. 下單前請再次確認選購的商品款式,商品須保持全新,並於取貨後15天內提出。若經拆封、使用後導致商品缺乏完整性,恕不提供退貨服務。 [商品資訊] by Alex van der Beld (Editor) 平裝: 328頁 出版社: NAi Publishers (2005) 語言: 英語, 荷語 ISBN-10: 9056624652 ISBN-13: 9789056624651 [商品內容] When Onix, the remarkable young Dutch architecture firm, finished a large-scale residential complex in Zwolle, Holland, recently, they kept an apartment there for six months and invited dozens of visitors--from architecture critics to laypersons--to sleep over for one night each. In return, Onix asked their guests to jot down their experiences with the neighbors, businesses, public transportation, and the space itself. This sort of local ecosystem has been the firm's focus for its first short but eventful decade, and Onix believes it to be the essence of architecture. This monograph, Awaiting Signification, chronicles those ten years, offering an overview of important projects including a much-discussed ecological farm for the disabled in Haren. It also includes MaNUfest, a text presenting the bureau's mission, which follows from its iconoclastic view that contemporary architecture is dominated too much by concepts and images, at the expense of actual architectonic experience.