Food Dal Cucchiaio Al Mondo -9788874627561 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
[注意] 1. 本店只販售全新正品,絕不賣仿冒品,請安心購買。 2. 下標前可以蝦皮聊聊是否商品有現貨。 3. 下單前請再次確認選購的商品款式,商品須保持全新,並於取貨後15天內提出。若經拆封、使用後導致商品缺乏完整性,恕不提供退貨服務。 [商品資訊] 精裝: 270頁 出版社: Maxxi (2015) 語言: 英語 ISBN-10: 8874627564 ISBN-13: 9788874627561 [商品內容] Food is an exploration of the architectural issues associated with storing, distribution, consumption, and disposal of food and raw materials, stimulating debate with respect to our contemporary situation of crowded cities and overpopulation. With more than 50 works by various artists and architects, the exhibition at MAXXI tackles the global political, social, urban, and economic effects of food on communities and regions. Divided into six sections body, house, street, city, landscape, world it ranges from the individual to the planetary dimension in its examination and questioning of the major geopolitical issues and networks for the production and distribution of food.