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by Michael Heinrich
平裝: 80頁
出版社: Birkhäuser (2009 第1版)
語言: English
ISBN-10: 3764386665
ISBN-13: 9783764386665
A medium for representing architecture
Architectural photography is an important tool for studying built architecture and documenting students own projects.
Basics Architectural Photography provides a practically based explanation of the key technical aspects of photography, image analysis and photo editing, and includes helpful tips on how to take and process photographs.
Photographic concepts (focal length, image circle, angle of view, depth of focus, exposure time, contrast range, etc.)
Equipment (camera, lens, tripod, light meter, etc.)
Photographing architecture (perspectives, architectural models, etc.)
Stylistic devices in architectural photography
Exterior shots
Interior shots
Image editing, scanning, image correction
Presents the special characteristics of architectural photography
With tips from an experienced professional photographer