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by Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani, Romana Schneider, Alan Colquhoun, Wolfgang Pehnt
Hardcover裝: 352頁
出版社: Hatje Cantz (1994 第1版)
語言: German
ISBN-10: 3775704523
ISBN-13: 9783775704526
This is the second volume of the trilogy on "Modern Architecture in Germany", which began with the publication "Reform and Tradition". It deals with the concepts in architecture and urban development which were developed after the First World War for the "new man" with the pretension of a radical rejection of tradition. Almost all of the most eminent architects of this avant-gardist trend went through an expressionist phase at first before they devoted themselves to the "Neue Sachlichkeit". The book exemplarily tracks down selected projects of this development and links visionary designs with buildings that have been realized. Mass housing construction - the real test for modern architects - plays a special role here in this case. When the Nazis came to power, the avant-garde came to an abrupt end. Fomal principals of the Neue Sachlichkeit were applied only in industrial architecture.