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by Craig Konyk, Anne Rieselbach
平裝: 176頁
出版社: Princeton Architectural Press (2007 第1版)
語言: English
ISBN-10: 1568986378
ISBN-13: 9781568986371
Instability is the eighth in an annual series of publications that feature the best young architects as selected by the Architectural League of New York in their annual Young Architects competition. This year candidates confronted the question of defining their architectural practices in the midst of shaken institutions, weakened states of normalcy, and defunct analytical models. Joining the ranks of notable past winners, such as Steven Holl, Carlos Jimenez, Billie Tsien, Architecture Research Office, and Rick Joy, the winners of the Young Architects 8 competition David Benjamin and Soo-in Yang, The Living KBSA, WilliamsonWilliamson, Ply Architecture, MAD, and Julio Salcedorespond to these investigations with projects that are unique, imaginative, resourceful, and inspiring.