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Live.Ligh -9780982622667 絕版英文設計書 [建築人設計人的店-上博圖書] 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

Live.Ligh -9780982622667 絕版英文設計書 [建築人設計人的店-上博圖書] 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)




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by Gregory Luhan

Paperback裝: 92頁

出版社: ORO Editions (2011 第1版)

語言: English

ISBN-10: 098262266X

ISBN-13: 9780982622667


Live.Light, authored by Gregory Luhan, creates a permanent and long-lasting record of the University of Kentucky’s achievement and success at the 2009 Solar Decathlon. The publication includes an introduction by University of Kentucky President Lee T. Todd, Jr., a foreword by Paul Kaplan, and essays by Donald Colliver and Gregory Luhan that capture the team’s synergy, its creativity, its collaboration, and its lessons learned, plus an afterword by Michael Speaks. This writing couples with a series of stunning photographic images, renderings, and drawings that depict the sky blue solar house throughout its design and construction processes, and its exhibition on the National Mall in Washington, DC and on the UK campus Main Lawn. The book features a dust-jacket designed to commemorate the use of the house as the Visitor’s Center for 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games 25 September – 10 October 2010. This publication serves not only as an in-depth description of Kentucky’s entry to the 2009 event, but also as a tool for visitors, community, and corporate leaders that demonstrates the powerful capacity of design innovation in terms of renewable energy. It tells the UK team’s story to readers around the world and portrays the essence of the house—from concept to completion.






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