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by Dietmar M. Steiner, Sasha Pirker, Katharina Ritter
平裝: 192頁
出版社: Birkhäuser (2001 第1版)
語言: English
ISBN-10: 3764364637
ISBN-13: 9783764364632
The construction of a new cultural building at the heart of a major city can never just be a matter of an ingenious architectural design. It is often the focus of heated public debate, and many varied factors have to be taken into account before the building is finally realised. This book presents six projects in the light of the surrounding media headlines and the wrangle for positions in the public eye. In each case the central subject is the architecture; in each case there are architects and politicians, public money and media interest. All these factors are entwined, not only influencing each other but ultimately determining the construction of the building. This volume takes a look at some of our most popular cultural buildings from a fascinating new perspective, the chapter headings giving a hint of the stories to follow: The political symbol - Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris The pursued architect - Sydney Opera House The sole survivor - the Viennese museums quarter The powerful politician - Grand Louvre Paris The professional manager - Culture and Congress centre Lucerne The generous sponsor - Groningen Museum